Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1437: Su Shao's petty baby 59.5

Looking for is really a bit of a turn, her husband is thinking too fast.

Of course, there is also this physical influence. Seeing her husband, blushing and not saying, will...

Feeling the hot ears, the shame in my eyes is stronger.

More is still a little excited, can not help but just said that let him supervise him, he will be very good and very good.

"I...I am dreaming?" I always feel that it is not true. The scorpion's scorpion is slightly raised, so that the light and shadow of the crystal lamp falling into the house all enter her eyes and dazzle.

Su Shi turned his head to kiss her in the eyes of the time and confuse him, and passed on her cherished meaning.

"Not a dream, baby is going to sleep now or go out with her husband."

Pick up the person and sit on his lap, like a child, a smile.

Looking for it and thinking about it, I was very careful to say: "Can I follow you?"

Although the things of last night have passed, but the shadows are still there, it will not be able to be scattered for a while, especially the character of the original owner, it is the time of uneasiness.

Being in an unfamiliar environment, the one that can be grasped will certainly not hesitate to seize.

Su Shi is very satisfied with this answer. He also intended to take her and look at her baby's well-behaved appearance, and couldn't help but tease her mind.

"But baby, there is no clothes. If you want to go out with me, you can only wear me. What should I do?"

The distressed look makes you look for it, look down at your own clothes, a normal white dress, but if you ignore this is a pajamas o (╯ ╰ ╰) o

I didn't notice it before, now... but she still wants to be with him.

Biting his lip, thinking about it, nodding his head.

"Well? Baby, this nod is to agree to wear her husband's clothes?" Su Shi's eyes filled with smiles, baby is so cute.

I am looking for an annoyed sly to go back, but... I can only grieve my eyes and look at my husband poorly.

It’s a sad thing to have two worlds down and people to change directly.

"Hahaha, baby, how can you like it so much, come, my husband will take you to change clothes, then we will go out to the mall to buy what you like."

Directly dragging her little PP to pick up the person, let her hands hug her neck and walk upstairs.

The trembled chest continued to tell his joy and good mood.

Looking for the lips, buried his head on the shoulders of her husband, but because of this action, the red-haired ear was completely exposed to the man's sight, and the good mood was better.

Two times of personal care, so that Su Shi is very satisfied, and enjoy this feeling.

After arriving at the mall, the whispering protests, and the shyness of crying, interrupted Su Shi’s idea of ​​helping her change clothes.

Taking care of a person is really addictive, at least for Su Shi.

"Yeah, this is not Su Shao, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Just as Su Shi sat on the sofa and stared at the fitting room door, she was accompanied by a three-pointed smile.

A refreshing tone is a great treat for hearing.

And the appearance of the person who came is not losing her voice, the light **** makeup, a long black straight plus a white dress, with an elegant taste.

It is like a lily, not thick or light, fragrant and pleasant, and it is a woman who is very popular with men.

It’s a pity that in front of Su Shi, it’s a waste of sight. Whoever makes him full of eyes is only his family.

What's more, he still doesn't know this woman, so there is nothing to be reasonable.

The person who came here seems to have expected this situation, and there is no frustration. Instead, he smiles and stands in front of him.

"If you want to come to Su Shao, you should forget me. I will re-recognize it again. Hello, I am Jiang Yirou. The university is fortunate to have a class with Su Shao."

Su Shi looked uncomfortably at the woman in front of her, coldly screaming: "Let it open."

If his baby came out, he would be panicked if he didn't see him.

Jiang Yi softly stunned, and the smile on the face was a bit stiff, but he quickly reacted and stood next to the station, letting out the sight in front of him.

There are some doubts in my heart, what is going on, why do I feel different from what she investigated.

"Su Shao this is to accompany the loved ones to go shopping?" Adjust the mentality, continue to speak, the decent smile back to the face.

The shopping guide that has been waiting next to me has moved back in silence. This kind of woman, at first glance, is restless. People Su Shaoli ignores you and still go up together, really shameless.

It is said that there are few ladies in Su Shao, but the young lady is so soft.

Inexplicably, Jiang Yirou, who was seen through his mind, thought that he was hiding well and his image was perfect.

As an orphan who stepped out from the slums step by step, she can now stand in a place where only the upper class can appear, showing how deep the mind and the means are.

For her, the prey is not able to escape.

Su Shi did not answer. When he saw the door of the fitting room open a seam, he immediately got up and walked up.

Actively open the door and reach out to bring the baby inside out.

The same white long skirt, simple tassel embellishment around the waist, worn on the body, lively and fairy flow naturally.

When I saw Su Shi, the white cheeks didn't know whether it was because of tension or shyness, and there was a glittering pink color.

Let a few people who are secretly observing around look different.

Excited, there are frowns, there are also disgusting, but they all converge very well, there is no need to hit the top.

"Su..." was opened and scared by the expression of dissatisfaction, and immediately changed his mouth, "husband."

Su Shi smiled, glaring at her little head, softly said: "Hey, baby wearing this dress is very beautiful."

Directly handed the card to the shopping guide, Su Shi insisted on a principle in dealing with his baby.

Good-looking, buy and buy, she likes, buys, buys, buys, buys, buys, buys, buys, buys, buys, buys.

Looking for the man's hand, the corner of the lips reveals a shy arc, small, but extraordinarily provoked blood.

Su Shi endured the forbearance, still did not hold back, directly picked up the person and pressed into his arms.

"Baby, you are like this, my husband will become a beast, don't move, my husband is holding you, strolling for so long, relying on my husband to sleep, I will call you."

While pat on the baby in the arms, while swearing, the natural and incomprehensible movements of the attitude, so that the people present are all envious.

And a message about Su Shaochong Su Shao’s wife began to go away.

Su Shi’s marriage is a thing that is known throughout Kyoto. It is also well known that he does not want to see his wife, but these are not what everyone sees.

So this will get along with the two people, no one doubts, only that the previous rumors are fake.

Jiang Yirou, who knows the truth, has red eyes and his fingers have not been found.

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