Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1451: Su Shao's petty baby 59.19

Just as the three of them were about to be tortured, Qiu seeks suddenly his eyes wide open and his face pale.

She felt something creeping in her intestines and then slowly crawling up.

I was so scared that she had a conditioned reflex and wanted to close her mouth, but she was tempted to find it.

"Don't move, let it climb out. If it doesn't come out, you can only wait to be controlled by Jiang Yirou."

I used to share life to share the air transport. Now, as the song continues to play, the more information she unlocks.

Although this song is really difficult to hear a degree o (╯ ╰ ╰) o but it is still useful.

The Miao women are the most mysterious in the materials. The other people they live in are very fixed and will never appear in ordinary people.

Even if it appears, it will hide its identity and at the same time it will close its own ability. This is the rule.

Once someone violates it, it will be disposed of by the people in the family. Outside, there will be a tour of the Taoist priests. If they are discovered by them, the end will be even worse.

After all, in order to maintain peace and maintain a balance, it’s a bit sloppy.

And what the woman is doing now is the typical kind of death that can be killed. It is a pitfall that the most powerful Taoist priest was killed by the master of the woman a few years ago.

If the Miao people do not come out, it is estimated that no one can suppress the woman and her master.

Each generation of tour priests is automatically bred by the world consciousness. The new one is not yet born, the old one has fallen, and the balance is broken.

This is also why the world consciousness does not know what happened, and the world line is not in control.

Summarize a word, pit.

Oh, it’s far away, and the locusts that the female lord is now planting into other people’s bodies will slowly devour the other’s body.

Once the other party begins to weaken, it will become the nourishment of the woman.

Because the mites in her body are Wang Hao, all the mites are turning around it.

It is also stupid to say that the woman is stupid, and she is shackled in the drums. If Wang Hao is broken, she will become the nourishment of Wang Hao.

At this point, she will definitely tell the female owner, who makes her most like to watch people fight inside and tear it n(*≧▽≦*)n

However, it depends on the actual situation.

"Oh..." Qiu Xunqi can't talk, he can only use his mouth to indicate.

The thing went to the throat, the throat was ah, ah ah, it was terrible and terrifying.

Su Shi took a cup of attention and stared at the white things that had been looming in Qiu's mouth. Seeing that it climbed to the mouth, he fell and quickly covered it with a cup.

Qiu Xun, who was trembling, fell to the side directly, and his eyes were full of horror.

"This...this...in the end...what is it...what."

The stomach is constantly tumbling, no, she has to vomit.

Stumbled from the tatami, and ran out of instability, she had to spit and spit, it was disgusting.

Looking for a moment when the locust was covered, it stopped playing, and the tortured ears were finally free.

Lying directly on the table, I don't want to talk.

Su Shi reached out and gently pressed her shoulders and back to help her relieve the tightness.

"Auntie, how is your ear?" Looking for a turn and a distressed inquiry, she felt her ears numb.

"What did you just say?" The hand of the massage was a meal, and Su Shi was a bit stunned.

He saw that the baby's mouth was moving, and the voice that came into his ear was awkward, and she did not know what she was talking about.

Looking for: "..." It turned out that she is not the worst one. _(:зゝ∠)_

Climb up to help my husband lick his ears, press on both sides, "Can you hear it now?"

Nima is not going to play this pottery song next time. It is obvious that she used to play beautifully and not want to do it. Now she made her play up, and her heart is stuffed.

After a while, Su Shi nodded and the blocked ears slowly recovered consciousness.

"It's okay, the first time I listened, it was too exciting, I was a little unaccustomed."

Two more times... It feels like it’s not a habit, but a sincerity.

Apparently, the search for the same thoughts as Su Shi, the face of the hardships wrinkled into a group.

"It seems that I have to prepare my earplugs in the future. It has to be the kind of effect that the cattle come home."

Su Shi quite agrees with the nod. At present, they also said that they will not encounter this situation and can only prepare from the side.

However, there are such unpleasant songs in the world. It is really... an eye-opener.

Once again, the song that was dismissed: Nima, you have the ability to not labor, and you are still abandoning it. Mom is bullying it is not a person (╯‵ □ ╯) ╯ (┻━┻

"Is this a locust?" Su Shi looked at the thing he had just let go of the cup and immediately turned into a ball, and then motionless, like a dead, frowning.

Looking back and looking, the locust is a bit disgusting, the body is slimy, the yellow fat bones are rolled up together and the thumb nails are so big.

But when I just climbed out, the strip was very small.

"Yes, it seems to be just the most common kind of life-threatening sputum." Touching the chin, pushing the cup and touching the mites inside, touching it back and forth several times, still maintaining the posture of shrinking into a ball.

Some are uncertain: "Is this dead?"

The second person in the room, Su Shi, was stunned. He still wanted to ask if it was dead. He was asked by the baby first, but he was sure to ask him o(╯□╰)o

Seeking to find also found the wrong person, sneer two times, red on the face, some embarrassed.

"Baby, although I don't know how you understand this, but don't say it in front of outsiders, don't let others know."

Su Shi hugged people in their arms, and today, when the baby woke up, it felt a lot.

More lively than before, it is like two very different personalities, but both of them make him love it.

In the past, he said that he did not like the woman who was like a silk flower. In fact, the sentence was said to Qiu Xunyu at that time. It was not that he really didn’t like the silk flower.

He always believes that really falling in love with a person, no matter what her personality, will not mind.

Before, the baby was so cute and clever that he wanted to hug his arms in his pocket.

The baby is smart and cheerful now, and he wants to hold it in his hand. For her smile, she will do everything she wants.

Looking for the headrest in my husband's arms, he groaned, "I know, Grandpa and Dad, they don't know."

"I don't know how to explain these, just suddenly I know."

"Probably because when I was concealed before, my mind was confused like those people, so I forgot the moment."

This is the truth, but when Su Shi heard it, she was particularly distressed and blamed. If it was not his neglect at that time, the baby would not suffer so much.

Fortunately, there has been no irreparable thing, tightening his hands, and he will protect her in the future, and will never let her be wronged.

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