Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1452: Su Shao's petty baby 59.20

"Master, is there a problem with the locusts you raised? Why is my face still like this?"

Jiang Yirou ran to the mountains early in the morning. After eating those things yesterday, her face was temporarily maintained.

Originally thought that they had stuffed things into Qiu’s body, she didn’t have to worry, but the facts slap her.

Looking at myself more and more red, swollen face, Jiang Yirou wants to eat people.

I didn't think that I had to change the skin first, but it didn't work at all. It wouldn't take long before it was cracked.

No way, there are class reunions in two days, there is a business party, she has to participate, but with such a face, how can she go.

Jiang Yirou, her master, was still dressed yesterday, her black robe was covered, and she was dissatisfied with Jiang Yirou’s words.

Seriously looked at her face, her face is even worse, this will be able to directly scare people.

"Are you sure you let go yesterday?" The black robe is also very puzzled. It should not be the case. It is wrong.

Jiang Yirou nodded affirmatively, and she saw that the thing had entered the body of Qiu, and it was impossible to make mistakes.

The black robe walked around the room and seemed to be thinking about something.

"Is it that the Taoist priests appeared? No, I have already killed them."

For a time, both of them fell silent and did not understand what was going on.

"Want to know the answer, ask me." Suddenly a clear and smiling voice came, so that the two were surprised and fixed their eyes.

A woman in a long white dress with a jade flute in her hand, stepping in slowly.

Her pace was very relaxed, and she didn't care what she saw in the room, as if she didn't look at it at all.

Those things are like something terrible, going back one by one until the room is completely clean.

The black robe and Jiang Yirou both trembled and did not consciously take a step back. Her appearance was too coincidental.

"Qiu seeks, you... you really are not Qiu, who are you?"

Jiang Yirou has a guess, and how can a weak person suddenly change, unless...

Looking for the jade flute in his hand, squinting his head, smiled and said: "Yang Xiaohua, you guessed wrong, I can be different from you."

"Qiu is looking for me. I am looking for Qiu, but I have been given something by your master, so I can't wake up for a while, so that you can bully at will."

"Unfortunately, I still won, then, now you tell me, how do you want to die?"

He smiled and said something that was horrifying, but he also had a very beautiful face. When he was scared, he couldn’t help but want to see more.

Of course, this one wants to look more and more for the Jiang Yi soft black robe people are not fascinated by the search, but by her face fascinated.

If this face is theirs, then I am afraid that some people don’t like it, if it is...

As soon as I thought of the result, the hearts of the two were full of fiery heat, and the deterrent to her exports was ignored because of the expansion of desire.

"You are too self-righteous to find Qiu, I was thinking about moving you late, but since you came to death, you know what you shouldn't know."

Jiang Yi softly licked his face, smiled maliciously, and was nervous. He looked at the eyes he was looking for.

"We will leave you, Master." He yelled at the black robes next to him, and the meaning was obvious.

The black robe apparently thought this way too. He nodded. The dry hand took a cockroach from the black robe and put it on his lips to start playing.

Unlike the snoring of the previous search for a magazine, this is much better.

Listening in silence, there is a question mark in my heart. In fact, she is a temptation. The one I used to blow is intimidating o (╯□╰)o

Otherwise, the gap is so big, she said that she is not satisfied.

Well, it must be a problem with the instrument. I don’t have to worry about it next time. Yes, that’s it.

Lying in the gun: I am a musical instrument, can't be better (╯‵ □ ') ╯ (┻━┻

When looking for cranky thoughts, the snake worms who had climbed before climbed up quickly from the door of the window.

All gathered around the black robe, revealing an aggressive side, looking for a search, seems to be waiting for an order, and then rushed up without hesitation.

The jade flute in the search for the hand, watching this scene intently. "Hey, your song is very nice, give me a score."

I also thought that the baby she was going to do, an instability directly fell from her shoulder.

‘How can you not be so obsessed with the host, how much resentment and attachment you have to the song. ’

The baby who did not hear the scene said that it really couldn’t understand the extent to which it was difficult to hear the bottom.

The baby doesn't say okay, and when he says he wants to vomit, the song is simply the biggest magic sound in the world.

Jiang Yirou, who was waiting to see Qiu Xun’s fear of begging for mercy, almost came out, and the good skin on his face collapsed.

"Qiu is looking for what you are, you should be afraid, afraid."

Looking for an eye, it is an innocent return: "Why should I be afraid, but I am a little skillful, and I am in front of me to get an axe. Do you know what the result will be?"

The lips and corners evoke a bright smile. Anyway, the people are all set to collapse, and the punishment plane must not run. She is not good to get back, but she will not do it.

As for the culprit, she will never kill her so easily, she wants...hee...

There was an unsatisfactory smile in his eyes. It is said that He Xuan is ready to talk to Jiang Yirou about life.

"Who are you?" The music changed from gentle to sorghum sharp, but none of the things on the ground attacked the white woman standing in the distance.

The black robe was a little flustered, stopped to play, and looked alertly.

At this moment, she could not see this person, damn, what identity she is.

It is natural that there will be no original effect.

In the face of other people's questions, looking for a very polite way back: "Who am I? Of course, ... take your life."

Yin Hong’s lips slowly spit out a sentence, and the jade flute in his hand was blown, which is different from the kind of black robes. Every note has a raging killing.

The quiet snake worm ant seems to have got the order, turn the direction, and go straight to the black robes.

"Damn, ah... how could this be." At first, the black robes didn't move, and they didn't seem to be afraid of what she had raised.

When a small snake bites her, she will continue to retreat in horror.

However, it was already late, and soon she was overwhelmed by those disgusting things.

The scream came and it was fierce.

Jiang Yirou, who was afraid to fall down on the ground, looked at the look of the devil as if he was watching the devil, but she forgot, but who is the real devil.

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