Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1453: Su Shao's petty baby 59.21 (end)

Looking up and walking to her side, bending down, hands on her face, the ugly face was disgusting and almost did not spit out.

"Cough, enjoy this last carnival." Throwing the human skin aside, screaming at the other person, afraid to open his mouth and pounce into a pill.

When he got up, he clap his hands and squinted at the only man who had been fed by the snake worm and ants. He turned around with satisfaction and left without hesitation.

At the moment she walked out of the room, all the things that were still clawing and clawing were not moving, just like falling asleep.

The soft and undulating chest of Jiang Yirou’s chest, clutching his clothes tightly, gasped.

In the bones that touched not far away, the fear in the eyes condensed into substance, and the body with no power suddenly broke out, slammed up from the ground, screaming and rushing out.

Panic to the side of the human skin have forgotten, so it appeared in the zoo with a **** face.

The tourists who suddenly scared the zoo thought they saw the ghost. The scene was chaotic and the police were alarmed.

Jiang Yirou, who had some chaos in his mind, was brought back to the police station. Because he couldn’t ask for useful things, plus the face, it was too testable.

Let the police people endure it, and finally decided to ask her if she still remembers who she is. Jiang Yirou, who did not answer the question, answered.

It’s Qiu Xun’s answer, but the answer is to surprise the traffic police who interrogated, and quickly contacted Su’s family.

The news that Su Shao was so fond of his wife that he had been raging before had not dissipated. Now he meets a person who says he is Qiu Xun, and they naturally do not dare to neglect.

But in the face of that face, it is really... the psychological pressure that can't be said.

Looking for her husband's car, went to the company with him, the master of the woman's master stopped, the female owner was also broken off, and then it was time for her to watch the show.

Just..."President, Chen Bureau came to the phone and said that there is a person who claims to be Qiu Xunyu, and asked if you have any surprises."

The secretary stood respectfully in front of the two and gave due diligence to report to the president.

I was still worried at the beginning, what if the lady really had an accident.

As a result, I saw that people who came with the president knew that there was definitely a counterfeit goods on the other side of the police station.

Looking for an eyebrow, I wondered: "Is my face very popular, so everyone looks like me?"

Otherwise, how can those people think so easily that the woman named Qiu Xun is her, really curious.

Su Xiaozui chuckled, the baby was so cute, and licked her hair.

"It's not that you are too popular. You are too beautiful, some people are jealous, you may be going to follow your face, but it is an insignificant person."

"Baby, you promised to help my husband, can't run."

Although the baby is around, his efficiency has plummeted, but he still wants to accompany him.

Looking for a pouting, screaming twice, "It’s not that you lied to me. If you don’t give me a glass of stuffed meat at noon, you are finished."

She got a new variety, super delicious, meatballs, fish balls, beef balls, which were made with rice wine and tasted great.

"Oh, huh... well, I will cook it for you at noon, and make sure you are satisfied, okay."

Su Shi haha ​​laughed, squatting into the office, leaving the secretary who was fed a dog food in the wind.

However, she has not forgotten that Chen Bureau is waiting for her answer, and turned back to the office to go there.

The ruling that got the answer, the heart that was still awkward, turned into resentment.

"You ugly ugly, actually dare to lie to us that it is Mrs. Su Shao, give me up and clean up, and then throw it out, really, nightmare to have a nightmare."

Hanging down the phone, you are welcome to watch the line of sight drift, why not look at the **** and fuzzy face of the police inside.

The police officer who had long wanted to drive off, got the order, and quickly stepped forward to punch and kick the silent woman.

"Let you come out and scare us, MD eyes must be paralyzed."

"It’s not your fault to grow ugly. It’s ugly and scary. It’s your fault. We help you to be a good person. Don’t go out next time.”

"Tell her so much to do, fight, heart disease must come out at first sight, hehe."

Several police officers screamed and smothered Jiang Yi, who was somewhat confused.

Once I remembered what happened before, I quickly went to touch my face and immediately yelled at the crash.

"Oh ah... how could this be, it shouldn't be like this."

She wants to leave this, her skin, she wants to go home.

Can be more and more heavy, so that her body hurts, black eyes, fainted.

"Hey, fast, throw it out and throw it away, and get away from it, so as not to scare the public." Chen Bureau waved his hand and made people lifted and passed away.

Several police officers also feel that this is the reason. They, as the police serving the people, must think for everyone.

Finally, Jiang Yirou was thrown into a deserted suburb, and when she woke up, her face was covered with ants.

Itching made her unable to resist scratching her face. The meat was scratched and piece by piece. The blood was covered with the whole hand and was fainted again.

Through the baby looking at the search for the woman, I laughed and rolled on the bed.

It’s just a matter of living, stealing someone’s face, and getting to the end of the day, they have no face, this is not what it is.

She has already sent a message to He Xuan anonymously. Oh, there are women who are dealing with or have awkward men who have not fallen.

One person, one group, not too convenient ╯▽╰(╯▽╰)╭

She can't wait to see the pictures of their gathering. I don't know what the female lord who has always loved her looks will look like when she sees the men who have been turned around by her.

Oops, she forgot, the face that flesh and blood fluttered without skin, can have any expression.

Not long after, she saw it.

More than a dozen sports cars appeared in front of the waking female lord before and after. They saw the people who got off the bus, and they felt that they had saved Jiang Yirou, and they were collectively encircled before they responded.

The reason is the same as the group of policemen. This kind of dissatisfaction is disgusting to them, and there are several who directly spit.

Jiang Yirou, who was hit, was crazy, lying on the ground and dying.

She can't accept her beauty, and the man who is under her control is gone.

When the meat on the face was hit, it was spread, and some of it fell off, and it was impossible to lose it.

Looking for the woman's eyes, unwilling to lose their breath, sneer, so easy to die, really, die fast!

‘The host is going to leave, the world line resets back, everything will be repeated, and all the outside will be cleared.

The baby is out of shape, squatting in front of the host of his family, and the opening of Ai Ai, for fear that his host is unhappy.

Looking for it, this...

‘咔擦’ was at this moment, the door was opened, and Su Shi came in from the outside. When the face was light, when she saw the person on the bed, she immediately raised a gentle and lovely smile.

The picture begins to freeze at this moment.

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