"Because I think that your master is too difficult to see, and you are more tempered than Miss Gee, if you really cooperate with him in the future, I am afraid that I can't help but scream at him."

Looking for a sincere return, looking at the things in her hand, she felt that it was really necessary to consider it.

Before I was not sure that there was gunpowder in the world, now it is certain that she can make cannons by herself.

Not to mention that it is a country, that is, the whole world, she can go sideways.

Luo Hao has been stunned by the stunned. What is this with him? Is his master clearly honed?

His master is so resolute and vigorous, it seems that the smile is warm and harmless, the cloud is light and windy, but in fact it is ruthless and never gives the enemy a living path.

Moreover, "Miss Yan, are you not dating the main fireworks festival, the master has already promised."

So, what exactly are you looking at? _(:зゝ∠)_

Looking for an eyebrow, it seems to be non-channel: "Really?" Touched the chin. "The first sight is to say, if not, I am doing it myself."

In fact, the baby reminded her not to steal the concept, and what she wanted was to apply for shame, not forced by force.

No matter, first get out the cannon, then find her husband, and give it to her husband to play.

Looking at the back of the turn and leaving, Luo Wei found that he had a cold sweat on his back.

Why is this Miss horror so scary, but compared with the master, it seems that the master is even more scary.

Let the two people go to each other to harm them. Fortunately, the fireworks festival is about to arrive, but... how does he feel that Miss Yan has no feeling for the master?

But since I didn't feel it, why is it necessary to ask for the Fireworks Festival? It is a very difficult problem.

On the day of the Fireworks Festival, the streets are full of fun and crowds.

There is almost no woman in the usual street. On this day, I look around and there are beautiful and beautiful people everywhere.

More shy with a veil, bold is no cover.

But no matter what, on this day, nothing will be said.

Looking for a white gauze hat to walk in the crowd, the same color of white gauze let her in this group of flowers and women, it is hard to stand.

This is due to her unique gas field and innate nobleness. Even if she can't see her face, walking is also a self-contained style.

What's more, she still wears a silk hat, and most of them are veiled. You are a singer with a gauze hat.

In fact, the search for the heart is a collapse, she does not know that there will be so many people at this fireworks festival.

At the time of the fireworks festival, I just heard what I said at the maid. The fireworks festival is about to arrive. There will be a variety of splendid fireworks on the riverside. I want to see it.

So when she said the time, she just came to the fireworks festival, this is really...

However, this fireworks festival is a **** horse thing, there is always a bad pre-sweeping.

Seemingly completely unaffected, calmly moving forward, but quickly rummaging through the system.

When you see the meaning of the fireworks festival, look for the foot to step out, the body is unstable, and pour it to the side.

Being prepared to use a force to stabilize, he was first helped.

"Miss, it's okay." The gentle, low-pitched magnetic voice sounded in the ear, and it was nice not to be good.

Especially the feeling of gentleness in the bones is even more attractive.

The little man in the heart sheds the scorpion, and the attribute that the husband ignited in this world is gentle, oh, good to open the forest!

Looking up, even if the veil does not block the image of a man, it appears in the eyes.

In white, the body is long and powerful, and the light-colored thin lips are perfect.

The tall nose makes the contour of the face more distinct, but it is not sharp at all, but it has a kind of soft and soft.

Staring at my own eyes, my eyes are pure and clear, and I feel gentle and inclusive.

It is like a clear lake with a microwave under the warm sun in the spring, and it can't help but immerse in it.

Looking for a finger is eager to move, want to touch the pair of deep and beautiful scorpions, but no, she has to hold back.

After standing firmly, he gently pushed people away. Although he was not willing to come out of his husband's arms, he could not let his husband feel that he was not reserved.

The man who nodded in a slight nod, "Thank you, son, I am fine."

In fact, it is very important, my husband is coming to marry me, just got a million points of fright.

Temade, who knows that the Fireworks Festival is actually called the blind date, it’s really a day, and the heart is stuffed.

Duanmu Kirin looked at the empty arms, and his heart seemed to be empty, and he silently took back his hand.

This woman gave him a familiar feeling, just like many years ago, she was just in her arms.

Being pampered by myself, spoiled, and sent the best things in the world to her.

"The son, the little girl still has something to do, I am afraid I have to take a step first."

Looking for the little man in the heart biting the handkerchief, but said that he did not care, actually fluttered to her husband and stunned.

But she can't wow, look for the talents of the family to die, if she finds a man Qingqing me and me in the next moment, even if the case is turned over, it is estimated that the reputation will not return to the past.

You know, there are no impenetrable walls in this world, unless you don't do it at the beginning.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, it was mainly a year of filial piety.

This year is just used to plan the plan. After a year, Houfu should be completely renewed. At that time, she should be able to marry her husband directly, perfect.

Duanmu Kirin listened to her saying that she was leaving, and she was nervous. She was going to see which one is going to meet.


"I have a friend to talk about something, time is not early, if the son is fine, may you have a cup of tea together?"

I thought of the Fireworks Festival in an instant, and I was looking for something to change.

She is sure to say that if she does not explain clearly, her husband will inevitably misunderstand, little black house or something, she said that she does not want it.

As for the person, she really didn't know the meaning of the fireworks festival. Now, with a man in the past, I want to come to that person to understand her intentions.

This can also avoid the other side thinking, and cooperate in the future.

Duanmu Kirin’s heart is like riding a roller coaster, ups and downs, all because of this person who has just acted more than the brain.

It’s weird, but it’s not exclusive, it’s very happy.

"Okay." Again, the brain made a decision. When the two went to the Huainan Jiangnan gate, Duanmu Kirin remembered that he came out to see the prostitute.

Always looking for the side of the husband's side, in fact, all the way is to steal people around.

This husband seems to have no edges and is very gentle and gentle.

I haven’t finished it, I saw my husband suddenly stopped and wondered: "What happened to the son?"

Duanmu Kirin is very embarrassed, do not know how to answer.

Is it necessary to say that he has a date with a woman, then she will not feel that she is so much, so as to stay away from herself.

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