Looking for a question mark in my head, what happened to my husband?


"I forgot that I also talked to people about things, just here, but I have nothing to do with her, really."

For fear of what she wants to say, Duanmu Kirin, quickly explain.

"Amount (⊙o⊙)..." Looking for it, my husband also asked people to talk about things here, she also made a date, not...

"You are Duanmu..." Exploratory opening.

Duanmu Kirin was shocked and replied: "You are awkward..."

"Ha ha ha, it seems that we are really good, maybe it is destined."

It’s really lucky. I want to cooperate with my husband. Then she is rebelling with her husband. Anyway, there is an arm in his hand. It is completely empty.

Duanmu Kirin is completely unpredictable and will be so lucky. When he meets a person who wants to be close, he still has a lot of connections.

"Girl please." There was never a low body under the bend. I don't know why. For her, he couldn't afford the identity.

They are not willing to put their own identity, as if they should not be so alienated.

They should be the closest and most intimate existence, transcending everything.

Looking for it is not annoying, took the lead in the Huai Shang Jiangnan, reported the name of the ya to meet the second, and then went up with her husband.

"Miss Yan is very happy to see you today." Duanmu Qilin personally poured tea on the opposite woman in white, just retracted her hand, and the cap on her head just took off, and the eyes flashed a glimpse.

The soft black hair was bundled with white ribbons, and the front of the forehead fell a few times, which seemed very casual.

The eyes are long and beautiful, a little slender peach eyes, with mildness.

I don't know if it is the reason for the room light, or the fireworks that are constantly blasting out of the window, so that her dark scorpion is contaminated with unclear colors.

As if wrapped in all the beauty of the world, elegant and intoxicating.

Especially when it slanting over it, it does not fall on you, but makes you feel that you are her world.

That feeling came too suddenly, and suddenly I wanted to catch it regardless of everything.

Xiu Ting's nose is a pair of pink lips, because the smile is squeezing out the curvature of the upturn, so that the red lips with bright lines are more attractive.

This is a very beautiful person. The rumored country may still have to be identified, but the national color is very suitable.

What's more, she still has a faint sense of faintness, which is even more tempting for men.

It is also because of the intoxicating scorpions that people dare not approach easily.

When she has you in your eyes, you are the whole world. When you are not there, you don’t even have a grain of dust on the ground.

"I am very happy to meet you, His Royal Highness, thank you for coming out to see me today."

Looking for the teacup, pointing to the husband, put a small sip on the lips.

"His Royal Highness knows me, I know that my Royal Highness is not as good as our cooperation. By the time, I will overthrow the old things."

You are an emperor, I am a queen.

The heart silently added, but there is no disclosure on the surface, determined not to let her husband feel that she is a very bold woman.

Duanmu Kirin was not surprised that she knew her identity.

Being able to tell the master behind Rosie is not the person on the throne, she will be really a deep daughter.

"I don't have any desire for that position, but if you want it." I will do it.

He just can't refuse any of her requests, and even hopes that she can keep mentioning herself, then rely on herself, get used to herself, and finally can't live without herself.

But he can't say anything more, and he can't be too much. It's not good to make her unhappy.

Moreover, she is now in her heart with the loyalty to the government, and she has no idea what else is going on. He can't bother her.

In the heart of the villain, he poked his finger at his husband, trying to get him to look up. He did not know that his husband decided to forbearance for her.

Not waiting for her to revenge, not revealing her own thoughts, let her want her husband's initiative to be completely shattered.

This is really gratifying o (*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓

"His Royal Highness, give you a gift." Take a drawing from the waist and put it in front of her husband.

"The squadron has asked for His Royal Highness, and I hope that His Royal Highness will enable them to maintain their current sharpness, and that they can become a sharp blade in the hands of His Royal Highness."

Looking at the tea cup in front of me, the fingers are stroking on it, and the eyes without focus are not sure where the bet is.

Duanmu Kirin is facing his face, and his complex complexion opens the drawing, and sees that the above things are shrinking, this is...

"Miss 戚." I couldn't help but scream, the things in my hands felt heavy.

Such precious treasures are directly given to him, and the emotions in the chest are constantly boiling, which is an excitement called excitement.

Does she show that she trusts herself, even feels that she is very reliable and can hold her up for a day?

Looking for the sky outside the eyes, wearing a silk hat, "His Royal Highness, time is not early, we will see you next time."

Get up, bend over and walk out of the room.

Hey ~~~ She really wants to stay with her husband again, but there are light bulbs coming.

Seeing that she is a husband, she does not care about each other, crying.

Duanmu Kirin put away the things in his hands, and the ghosts took the cups that were used to find the used ones, poured the tea, and put them on the lips.

"The master, I found out, and Jing Jingshan was changed to a name by his eight emperors, and he was living in his house."

The man in black alley, fluttering on the ground, kneeling in front of Duanmu Kirin.

"Take the message to the wooden nine wood ten them."

"Yes, the master."

The darkness came quietly, and the disappearance was silent.

Duanmu Qilin learned how to look for it. His fingers touched the cup, and his eyes looked like a treasure.

He will complete the layout as soon as possible, and strive to help her to reunite the town of Houhou as soon as possible.

People go, leaving a cup of warm tea on the table alone.

When Xiao Er came in to clean up, he found that there was a missing cup.


"I really didn't expect the Eight Emperors to be such disgusting people. I still think that he will be able to inherit the position in the future."

"It really is the kind of emperor, it is all the same disgusting."

"You whispered, forgetting the things of the previous two days, but the emperor is really stupid. A generation of loyal ministers will be so ruined. Even the orphans who have died and resurrected are not let go."

"Look at it, sooner or later you will be retribution."


Looking for lying on the rocking chair, watching the picture of the baby's broadcast, the corner of the lips evokes the arc of evil.

The two things, the Eight Emperors and the Jing Jingshan, are also time to cook.

"I haven't found out who did it, **** it, the prince raised what you do, give me a quest."

Looking handsome, a young man in a dark yellow attire, looking at the things in his hand, his face was gloomy.

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