Du Mumu was dying, and when he said that he was not dead, he felt like a ghost.

After calming down and thinking about it, it must be that the old things of the family want to deal with themselves, so I came up with the method of killing death to calculate him.

It is a pity that he does not look at who is his mother, the most favored noble of the father.

Only the queen can call the mother, the other can only be called the mother.

He is called after his mother, and the old things still don't understand, stupid, and should be killed.

It’s just that you haven’t tasted the taste of the little monk. Since it’s not dead, how can he taste it?

After all, the face of the face is really beautiful and fascinating, and Jing Jingshan is allowed to open again in bed, and it is boring to eat too much.

"Look at the palace to find the traces of the search." Suddenly: "The army is speeding up the action, be sure to find the location before looking for it."

Speaking of this, Duan Mulun is a fire up.

The gangsters of the squadron did not even know where to hide. He did not find any news for so long.

When the shackles of the squadron were not hurt at the time of the robbery, he saw it.

Such a team, if it is not available to itself, will never allow others to get it.

"Yes, the master." The back of the dark guard's clothes was already wet, and when the master heard the words, he quickly left.

Du Mulun calmed down for a while, finishing his clothes and entering the palace.

He had to go to the mother to discuss the discussion, and the idea was to suppress the comments outside.


"Have you heard that the loyal ancestors who were in private with the Eight Emperors were hidden by the Eight Emperors into his house."

"More than that, it is said that the Eight Emperors are very fond of the unscrupulous little monk, and she killed her original acolyte and made the little monk disguised as the acolyte."

"It's no wonder that the loyal Houfu is full of copying the monk but it is not. It turns out that the Eight Emperors are also useless things, and sooner or later they die on the woman's belly."

"Hey, don't say that, maybe people are the kind of people who are dying of peony flowers and ghosts, hahaha..."

"The little scorpion is a peony. At most, the prince is a fly. It is a perfect match between the two."


‘嘭’ “Give them all to the house and throw them into the ancestral home, and entertain.”

The Duanmulun frame just happened to hear the outside, and the gas was licking the snack tea on the small table.

The outside guards did not dare to neglect, and immediately went forward to prepare those who dared to discuss the royal affairs.

The ordinary people who can be in their eyes are actually not ordinary people at all.

"Grandpa, how are you doing this virtue again? It’s good to bully us, and others say why not."

"It really is a guilty conscience, and the Eight Emperors are really not good birds."

While running and squatting, looking at the darkness of the search for the shoulders and shaking, smirking and uncomfortable.

These people are really fun, just like the reaction in the restaurant before, it is difficult for her to recognize it.

She knew from the baby that the Eight Emperors came out, ready to say hello, by the way to send some gifts, did not expect to meet acquaintances.

The husband's people are very lively, such as Luo Wei, and such as these people.

Du Mulun always looked at the situation outside, seeing a dozen guards and even three people could not catch it, and the cup in his hand was thrown.

"A bunch of useless waste, go and kill the dogs in the palace."

I want to torture their minds, and I just want to kill them.

"Yes, the master." The three servants who waited for him immediately came down from the carriage and joined the battle. It was his carefully trained dark guard, which was used for personal protection.

Now that the person is gone, he becomes a weak chicken, and Duan Mulun himself has not found his situation at the moment.

The search quickly appeared on the side of the car, opened the corner of the curtain, put the hand on the lip, and gently blow it, the white powder on it all floated into the frame.

"Cough and cough... What a taste, so bad, damn, where did they stop the carriage?"

Listening to the violent noise coming from inside, looking for satisfaction and leaving.

Dreams of fantasy, eight emperors, enjoy at night, they go back.

The malicious is full of sight, she is looking forward to it.

The fighting continued there, and the wood Yagijiumu felt almost the same. He pretended to be hit, and then rushed out of the alley, and opened his mouth.

"The Eight Emperors beat people, and the Eight Emperors beat people. Don't say that the Eight Emperors are not good, he will kill you."

The three men separated and broke into the front street, all kinds of hustle and bustle.

Did not stop in time, can only listen to their various nonsense Du Mulun, a gas of a reverse, directly hit the carriage wall, and immediately fainted.

The guard who wants to chase sees the accident of the master, and now the person who has panicked sent him back.

Both the emperor and the nobles were alarmed and personally took the doctor to check. The result was an anger, a heart attack, and a short coma.

You need to be calm and calm.

After listening to the guards, the emperor and the nobles were also angered. At the moment, the big hand waved and arrested all the people who were enchanting the people.

The purpose of this is that the entire city is boiling, but it is indeed not talking about the remarks of the Eight Emperors and the Emperor.

In the hearts of the people, the fear of the royal family has disappeared. The evaluation only left me with incompetence and indiscriminate killing of loyal ministers.

An emperor who has lost the hearts of the people, as stated in the news of the dissemination, will soon be replaced by a new generation.

The night is quietly coming, and the moon that has just been round is hanging high in the air, but it will be dark.

In the luxuriously furnished bedroom, there are two entangled figures on the big bed. The woman’s screaming, the shameless words of men continue to fill the room.

Let the newly-finished search, I can't wait to find a hole to drill in.

The eight emperors of Nyima are also a beast, the kind of real animal.

It’s only a matter of daytime, shouldn’t I have a good rest at night, really why I would rather not die.

I waited for my ear and waited for it. There was no tendency to stop inside. What is important is that the woman’s constant sound is very familiar.

It’s like... 戚静珊!

Looking for a hand to let go, there is a storm in the eyes, so that is the case, then...

Take a deep breath, untie the tied hair, and blan two times, messing up the neat hair and covering half of the face.

The thick foundation that was originally put on, with the appearance of a white coat in a shawl, was very scary at night.

I looked at the mirror and it was not enough. I took a lipstick from the space.

Draw two traces on both sides of the eye, like dry blood, and draw on the lips.

I looked at my clothes and turned my eyes. I bought a bottle of pig blood from the mall and sprinkled it on my body. The white clothes instantly became bloodstained.

I checked it carefully and decided that there was no problem. I put things together and moved my neck. 嘭嘭 opened the door.

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