Chapter 1024: Emperor's apex pet 92

Bai Junyu snorted and stood up from the position and headed for the door.

Bei Yu Yu still sat in the same place, looking at him and leaving, it seems as if he did not believe, Bai Junyu just abandoned her.

Yu Kexin was proud of his heart and said with a look of nervousness: "Yu Yu, I didn't mean it. I, I thought he knew about Jing Xuan. I..."

‘啪’ sounded.

Yu Kexin squinted and looked at her with a shocked look. "Rain, you, you..."

At this moment, Yu Kexin saw and returned to Bai Junyu, and his eyes passed through a glimmer of light. As the north rains back to the door, he will not be seen at all.

Yu Kexin looked at the rain in the north, and did not seem to notice the return of Bai Junyu. He said: "Yu Yu, I really don't know that Bai Junyu still doesn't know about you and Jing Xuan. If I know, I will never mention Jing Xuan."

"I know that you hate me and hate me for stealing Jing Xuan."

Yu Kexin watched her anger grow stronger and stronger, and continued: "You are so angry now, do you still love Jing Xuan? If you still love him, tell me, I will quit immediately."

When Yu Yuqi came forward again, Yu Kexin looked at her raised hand and knew that she was going to beat her, but she did not struggle, nor did she dodge.

‘啪’, ‘啪’...North Rain quickly slammed two slaps on her face. Yu Kexin was like being accidentally slammed into the ground by her slap in the face, and fell to the ground with a look of embarrassment.

She squinted and looked at the north rain with a pitiful look.

An angry hands on the hips, like a wife; another stunned, beautiful and touching, the two formed a sharp contrast.

People who don't know the situation, seeing this situation, is absolutely sympathetic to the delicate flower, not the woman like the gunpowder barrel.

Yu Kexin’s eyes were watching Bai Junyu, and he saw his brows slightly, his deep eyes staring at the hands of Bei Yu’s beating, and his heart smiled proudly.

Look, see, she wants to let Bai Junyu see the true face of his favorite woman.

A woman who loves other men, with Bai Junyu, the pride of the sky, can tolerate the other half to be unfaithful to himself.

Once the suspected seeds are planted, one day sooner or later, they will become towering trees.

North Rain, you are waiting to be abandoned by Bai Junyu.

When he abandons you, it is when you go to hell.

Bai Junyu stepped forward, Yu Kexin looked forward to his eyes, staring at him tightly, only to see him step forward, picking up a hand of Bei Yuyu, and then blowing it to his mouth.

While blowing, I asked a distressed face; "Does it hurt?"

Yu Kexin saw this scene, a pair of eyes licked the beans, forgot to cover up, forgot the disguise.

The next second, I heard Bai Junyu's mellow sound faintly sounded.

"Wife, the next time I'm doing a heavy job, I will give it to the husband."

Yu Kexin is like a thunder, and the whole silly is there.

Why is he not angry?

Why is this the case?

Bei Yuyu pulled back from his hand and smiled and said: "That can't be done. But people are waiting for me to beat her. If I don't fight, I won't let her down. People come from afar, they have to fulfill her heart." This is the way to hospitality."

"The wife is right."

Yu Kexin listened to the sound of their husband and wife singing together, and I can't understand, just they are acting.

(End of this chapter)

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