Chapter 1025 The Emperor's Heart Tips 93

She was kidnapped by them!

This cognition has caused an extremely humiliating anger in the eyes of Yu Kexin.

The north rains looked at her with a sly look. "Why don't you get up? No one can pity the jade here."

Yu Ke was so angry that she shook her body. She also went out and climbed up from the ground. She said to Bai Junyu: "Bai Junyu, don't be deceived by her. Your fiancee, love is someone else.

You know that she was leaving Zhang for you. When she was with you, she was hooked up with Zhang Jingxuan. ”

Bai Junyu's cold scorpion swept to her, and she saw her body tremble slightly.

"Are you finished?" The cold voice, without a trace of affection.

Yu Kexin was seen in his heart, "said, finished."

Bai Junyu hit a ring and the bodyguards outside the house went out of the house. Yu Kexin saw this, and there was some panic between the looks.

"Throw it out."

Two bodyguards stepped forward, and one left and one right sandwiched Yu Kexin and walked toward the house.

In the long corridor, Yu Ke was struggling, but he could not afford to leave. When the road went to the hall, many people cast a strange look.

In front of so many fronts, Yu Kexin was thrown out of the clubhouse by two bodyguards without mercy. This scene was already photographed at the entrance of the clubhouse.

On the night of the night, Yu Kexin just returned to Zhang Jingxuan’s apartment, and Bo Wei’s photo of her being thrown out was released.

Because of Zhang Jingxuan's relationship, Yu Kexin's heat is already a first- and second-line star. At this time, Bo Wei came out and immediately became a popular blogger.

‘Yu Kexin was thrown out of the club in the middle of the night and was suspected of being abandoned by a certain rich man. ’

‘Yu Kexin’s foot on two boats, the secret of the late night will be rich. ’


When Zhang Jingxuan saw the news, his brow was locked.

"What the **** is going on? You are not saying to provoke the feelings of Bei Yu and Bai Junyu?"

Yu Kexin was sullen and sullen, and he said something about what happened in the box.

"Bai Junyu does not believe at all." Yu Kexin thought of Bai Junyu's move in the box, and he was so upset that the liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were hurting.

"Forget it. As long as she does not come to provoke us, we should not touch her mold." Zhang Jingxuan Shen Sheng.

Yu Kexin’s eyes are full of the color of grievances. “Jing Xuan, we are not going to provoke her. I am afraid she will not let us go.”

Yu Kexin didn't want to forget it.

She played her own account, and she must come out with this bad smell.

"Since Bai Junyu does not want to believe, then let him see Beiyu and other men fooling around?" Yu Kexin said in a haze.

Zhang Jingxuan frowned. "This matter is long-term."

Yu Kexin saw that he had no objections and could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Their plans are very good, but unfortunately, they have no chance.

On the following day, a video appeared on various major online platforms. The content of the video was very exciting. The protagonist was two men, one of whom was handsome and the other was a middle-aged blessing.

I saw a man who was blessed in the middle age and pressed the handsome man, and the handsome man was screaming at Shen.

As soon as this video came out, the entire entertainment circle was in turmoil, and the Internet was even more lively.

The strength of this video is even more powerful than the video of the previous North Rain, just because the protagonist is the Emperor, and the two men are doing that kind of thing.

For sympathy, it is not acceptable to everyone.

In the video, Zhang Yingdi and the man played a lot of tricks, which is even more exciting than the island's blockbuster.

(End of this chapter)

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