Chapter 1175 Half-Beast 28

Bei Yuyu smiled and looked at the wizard. The wizard was an old female with more than half a hundred years old. She had white hair on her head, a cane in her hand, and a white mark on her face.

The sorcerer Xi Sai is a very special existence of the Three Stones tribe. She is the highest standing except the leader. There is a sick person in the tribe who will send it to her to pray. If she survives, it will be blessed by the gods. If she does not survive, it is the **** who needs his service and collects him back to heaven.

Her duty is to pray for the tribe and to be the messenger of the tribe to communicate with the gods.

In the past life, it was her propaganda that the original north rain was a disaster star, and she was a man of misfortune. It is her instigation that all the fallen people are isolated and hate the original Lord. In fact, the tragedy of the original Lord is derived from her.

The orcs in the tribe, under the fear of death, under her temptation, burned the original Lord and Yan Meng alive.

Counting the wizard is the culprit, and the orcs of the Three Stone tribe are accomplices.

The reason why the original Lord had to retaliate against the entire Sanshi tribe was because the original Lord hated their grace and enemies.

The burning pain before death, the north rain has been lingering, and the living is burned to death. The kind of people who have experienced the taste only know that it is not only the pain of the body, but also the mental torture.

The reason why the wizard is directed at the original Lord is that she is threatened because of the existence of the original Lord.

For example, when a tribe's beast is sick, he will bring her to pray, and every time he prays, the wizard will give the orc a bowl of soup, which is called the god.

If the gods are blessed, they can heal after drinking. If the **** is not blessed, it will die.

The bowl of soup is white, it is some herbs, those herbs do not necessarily cure all diseases, can cure all the will.

The original owner found some herbs to stop bleeding, treat common diseases, and the original owner improved the tribal life, so that her status and influence faintly surpassed the status of the wizard.

The wizard is afraid that she will replace herself, use the plague, and remove the original master.

The northern rain squats against the wizard and turns to look at the orcs standing at the forefront.

When the orcs looked at her, they all stood up in their chests and looked at her with a look.

The eyes of the northern rains swept over them, and finally looked at hiding behind the crowd.

Yan Meng is looking down and wondering what he is thinking.

When the northern rain fell off the wooden platform, Yan Meng, who had been hiding behind the crowd, suddenly stepped forward and stood at the forefront of the team. The orcs who had been paying attention to the northern rains were all shocked by the sudden move of Yan Meng.

It must be known that since Yan Meng was left behind by a female in front of the orcs, since then, when a female came to choose a spouse, he never participated, and they all hid in the crowd.

This time his appearance made the people in the tribe very surprised.

The orcs who run with him are not worried at all. Because they have never seen the temperament to please the little female, the little female will never choose him.

When Bei Yuyu looked toward him, Yan Meng was somewhat cramped and seemed a little uneasy.

When the northern rain came to Ans, Ans Junmei’s face immediately raised a smile, and the other orcs looked blank.

The orcs standing on the periphery are all ‘surely so’ expressions.

"I guessed it, the little girl really chose Ans."

(End of this chapter)

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