Chapter 1176 Half-Beast 29

"Ans is a heroic orc in our tribe. It is normal for a little female to choose him."

"I don't know if North will choose the second place."

"If she chooses the second place, I guess she should choose Varo."

" Needless to say, she must have chosen Varo."

The crowds in the onlookers said that as the parties, Varo and Ans unconsciously stood up and showed that they had enough confidence in themselves.

Ans looked at the rain, waiting for her to put her hand in front of her.

Everyone is waiting for this moment to witness the success of a new pair of spouses.

However, everyone saw the rain coming from Ans and went to the front of Varo.

Varo's eyes were bright, but Ans was dumbfounded, and his eyes flashed a bit strangely.

The beasts onlookers are also surprised.

"Oh, this little female doesn't choose Ans. It seems that I want to choose Varo."

"You look at Varo's happy look."

The orcs did not choose Ans for the Northern Rain, but the choice of Varo was only slightly strange, and it would not be strange, and there was not much reaction, except for the party Ans.

Ans always thought that she could become a spouse of a little female, because among the orcs pursued by the public, she laughed most when she smiled at herself. He thought she was satisfied with her, but did not expect that it would be the result.

However, the next second rain of the North was once again beyond their expectations.

I saw the northern rain squatting again from the front of Varo and heading for the next orc.

Varo is dumbfounded!

Other orcs are also surprised.

The happiest thing is to wait for the chosen orcs. They have a lot of light, and they look forward to the little females coming to them and standing in front of themselves. The Northern Rain has not lived up to their expectations and walked through them in front of them.

The orc standing in front of Yanmeng, when watching the little female standing in front of her, suddenly ecstatic.

There is no reason for it. There is no one else except him here.

As for Yan Meng, he did not see him in his eyes.

It’s not just that he thinks so, it’s the same for other orcs.

It was a surprise that North Rain was finally elected to Enlin.

"I didn't expect North to choose Enlin in the end."

"Enlin hoped that the spouse had been looking forward to it for a long time. This time it was an important success."

"This little female chooses Enlin, so it’s an accident."

"Enlin is actually good, it is a good expert in hunting."

Everyone was arguing that Enlin was excited to look at the north rain. He is ready to accept the hand that the little female has reached, but no one has thought that the little female has walked in front of Enlin and stood in front of Yanmeng.

Enlin was shocked, staring at Yanmeng and staring at the rain.

The whole tribe was shocked to see her, even Yan Meng had widened his eyes and looked at her incredulously.

Yan Meng looked at the little white hands and couldn’t react.

Bei Yuyu looked at the stupid stay there, like a stag in the goose, reminding: "You don't want to?"

Yan Meng finally reacted and carefully held her hand.

When her soft little hand was on her hand, the unreal feeling gradually disappeared.

He, he really was chosen by the little female.

At this moment, Yan Meng is like a pie that has been smashed down by the world, and it feels unreal.

There was a strange silence on the scene, and the square was silent, and everyone looked at the two hands incredulously.

(End of this chapter)

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