Chapter 1197 Half-Beast 50

As soon as the people of the Canglang tribe approached, the northern rains immediately put them down, and the speed was so fast that they could not see them. They did not dare to approach easily, and the two sides held it together.

The male of the Canglang tribe recognized the northern rain, and it is her appearance that is too different.

"The leader, they are all three stone tribe females."

The Three Stone tribes did not deal with their Clan wolf tribes, and the grievances were deep, and now they have happened so easily.

It can be said that the road is narrow.

The people of the Wolverine tribe have always looked down on the Three Stone tribes because they did not have their power and were naturally bullied by them. It was only after the disaster that the Clan wolf tribe did not prosper as before.

Coupled with the right to live in a cave with another tribe, many people died.

Now, for the Shangsanshi tribe, there is no previous advantage. But now for these females, they are effortless.

The leader of the Wolverine tribe looked at the rain in the north, staring at her skin with tender and tender flesh, and braved the light in her eyes. "You are not our opponent. Now follow us and get hurt."

"You want to take away all of us?" asked North Rain.

"Yes. The males of our wolf tribes are stronger than the males of your tribes, and their fighting power is high. Follow us more than follow them. We won't let you hungry." The leader of the wolf tribe seduce.

The eyes of the northern rains swept over the crowds of the Wolverine tribe. Their looks were tired and they were a servant. They looked at the results of the daily nightly journey. Obviously their days are not good.

They also tried to lie to her and lied to them that these females followed them.

However, Bei Yuyu does not intend to expose them, but slowly kills time with them.

"Why do you believe in you? If you lie to us?" Bei Yuyu looked suspiciously at the leader of the Clan Wolf tribe.

The leader of the wolf tribe saw that the little female had some intentions, and naturally she would not let go of the opportunity to take her away. She said with patience: "I never lie, the leader of the nearby tribe is the clearest. Little female, You can follow us with confidence."

The few females around Beiyuyu were deeply puzzled by him, and they pulled her arm and gestured to her not to listen to the words.

"is it?"

The **** smile said: "Of course."

This little female looks weak, but this fight is very powerful.

It is natural to hope that the blood will be taken without any effort.

"If you do one thing, I will believe you." Bei Yuyu took the opportunity to make a request.

The blood stabbing asked with interest: "What?"

"Let the people inside your tribe loosen them."

The blood stab is not an idiot, and the eyebrows are picked. "Oh, I can't promise this request. Little female, you still change one."

Regarding his refusal, Bei Yuyu had expected it and did not feel surprised. If he promised, he would be able to harvest the joy of the accident.

Bei Yuyu said with some helplessness: "Well, I think about other things."

The thorns saw her meditation, and made a look at the two orcs on the side. The two orcs would like to know, and they were close to the north rain, but their bodies just moved, and the north rain stunned and looked up. They were shocked that the bodies of the two orcs were stiff.

The thorny blood seems to have happened nothing, and the smiling smile asked: "Is it good?"

(End of this chapter)

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