Chapter 1198 Half-Beast 51

Bei Yuyu shook his head at him. "I haven't thought about it yet. You wait, I will think of it soon."

The blood stab is waiting patiently, but it is only a long time.

When the patience of the blood stab is about to run out, the north rain immediately said: "I thought of it."

"What?" The **** face still has a gentle smile.

Bei Yu Yan looked at him with a look of apology. "Just when you asked, I suddenly forgot."

As soon as her words fell, she saw a slight change in the face of the blood.

Bei Yu Yan said immediately: "I will soon think of it, you should not remind me. If you are a ghost wolf tribe, even this patience can not give females, then how can we believe that you will treat us kindly? ”

The blood stab was blocked by her words.

"Okay, we are waiting."

In their eyes, these females are the things in their pockets, making them willing and willing to do better than coercion.

It was only this time, the sky outside was gradually darkening, and one of the orcs noticed the darkness of the outside, and said to the leader: "The leader, we can't wait any longer. The sky will be black, and they will come back. It is."

As soon as the orc reminded, the males of the Clan wolf tribes reacted. They stayed at the gate of the cave with the same stupidity. They did nothing, so they waited for it.

The blood stabs also reacted, and looked at the rain in anger. "You lied to me!"

Bei Yu Yan looked at him innocently. "I don't understand what you are talking about? I have never lied to you."

The **** hate, the fierce light in the eyes, and the orc on the side of the body commanded: "Let's get together and give them a few."

The northern rain licked his hippie smile and looked very cold. When they attacked, they had already launched an attack.

She alone dealt with the attacks of most of them, and the other three females who were not taken away were struggling to fight against them. Because of the strong fighting power of Bei Yu, and the effort that made them unpredictable, they could not advance half a point.

The stabbing blood watched so many people besieging together, they could not take them down, and the sky outside was getting darker and darker, so they had to leave.

If they don't leave, I am afraid I can't go away today.


Before the blood stab left, I hated to look at the north rain.

The females caught by the wolf tribe were taken away by them.

When they left, the only three females immediately cried.

She can't fight the entire tribe alone, can't save them, and it's a great effort to save them three without being caught by them.

When the sky was completely dark, there was a footstep outside the cave. A few people who were at the door, when they heard the movement, they became nervous. They are afraid, afraid to come is a group of people like the wolf tribe.

"They are back." The north rain screamed.

After the three heard, the face suddenly raised their joy, and they walked out of the hole. When they saw the male of the tribe, the tears in the eyes of Barabara fell.

When the male came back, the first thing I saw was three crying females, and my heart suddenly felt a bad feeling.

Especially the orcs who did not see their females, the face changed slightly.

"What happened?"

The northern rain snorkeled: "The people of the Wolverine tribe came to attack and took away other people."

Ps: eighth more... eighth more...

(End of this chapter)

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