Chapter 1199 Half-Beast 52

The orcs who did not see their own females became one-eyed.

"The leader, we can't always be bullied by the wolf tribe."

"They actually took our spouse and I will never let them go."

"This time things can't be just that."

All the male eyes are full of anger.

The last time Shan Shi and Enlin’s affairs, this female thing, they can’t help it anymore. Even though the wolf tribes are stronger than them, they can't always shrink and let them bully.

"The people of the Wolverine tribe look very tired. I want to come and run around recently. After they have just left, you should be able to catch up with them." Bei Yuyu said again.

The leader of the Three Stones tribe said: "Get off. Grab our females and kill the people of the Wolf."

"Kill them and kill them." All the male orcs shouted in unison.

This time they left three males to stay at home, protecting only the remaining four females, all of whom followed the peak chasing the wolf tribe.

In the dark night, a group of beasts kept running, regardless of the cold snow.

"Do you find their breath?" Qi Feng asked Enlin, the most sensitive nose to the tribe.

Enlin stood in the snow, searching back and forth on the ground, and finally said to the crowd: "They go in this direction."

Everyone immediately chased in that direction, and they ran very fast. Relative to those who are female and a group of tired wolf tribes, they are twice as fast as they are.

After half an hour, they finally caught up.

The leader of the Clan Wolf tribe was seeing the chasing people, and his face changed greatly.

They actually came so fast.

"Ready to play." The blood stabbed to the public.

All the orcs put those females down. Many females are cold because of the outside, but there is not enough animal skin to block the cold. The body has already frozen and stiffened. Many people's lips have been blue and purple.

"Three Stones tribe, I advise you to leave early." The blood stabbed to the peak.

The peak of the peak is stunned. "Today, when you come to our tribe and plunder the females of our tribe, we want us to leave. Are you really afraid of us in the Three Stones tribe?"

The blood stabbed coldly. "If that's the case, then blame us for not feeling good."

"Your wolf tribe has said something about love."

The two sides completely tore the face, and with the order of the two leaders, the males of both sides rushed to attack each other.

"Kill them."


In the dark, I heard the killing sound, so that there was a lot of sound in the silent night, and there was a faint **** smell in the air.

The orcs' eyes have a certain amount of night vision, but the range of night vision is very close, and they are too far away to see. Instead, he cultivated the cold palm, and improved the physical night vision but it was better than anything.

In his eyes, the night is no different from the daytime.

Every time Yan Meng attacked, the other party would be stiff without warning, and then he was bullied before he finally killed him.

The orcs who attacked Yan Meng fell one by one, causing the people of the Cang wolf tribe to start using the sea tactics, and the three attacked him at the same time. At first, Yan Meng had some difficulty in dealing with it, but after gradually adapting to this intensity, he immediately began to fight back and killed all three of them.

(End of this chapter)

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