Chapter 1309 Gray Life 72

The woman gave him a disgusted look and took her boyfriend away.

Zhang Bingsheng looked at them dumbly, and the money that was about to be handed over was so gone.

Then he met a few waves of people and encountered the same situation. Someone even gave him money, and after the person came out, he robbed the money back. This can make Zhang Bingsheng angry.

Soon he found that people around him would point at him, which made him very uncomfortable.

Zhang Bingsheng went to the North Group’s door every day and wanted to get back his son, but every time he got close to the Bei’s group, he would be driven away by the security guard.

Zhang Bingsheng wanted to lie, and the last one was taken away by the police.

After taking it away, Zhang Bingsheng no longer dared to make a living, and he could only hide in the corner and guard it.

This time, Zhang Bingsheng can be said to have lost his wife and lost his troops. Instead of having a good life, he has now become a tramp and wanders around the city.

The days of Zhang Bingsheng have been very bad, and the days of Ye Qing are also not good.

Because the last thing was completely messed up, Ye Qing was fired by the TV station. She thought that with your performance and ability, there was no problem with other TV stations, but the final result was rejected by all TV stations.

Until she interviewed the last place, the person in charge told her that as long as she could catch a big news, she could consider hiring her. With hope, Ye Qing began to look for news in the streets.

After three days of busy work, she finally learned from a person who specializes in buying and selling gossip that there is a workshop dedicated to the production of counterfeit cosmetics near a chemical plant in the suburbs.

After knowing the news, Ye Qing immediately took a tool such as a miniature camera and a voice recorder to the place.

That position is very remote, there are very few people around, but it is suitable for fraud, and it is not afraid to be discovered.

After Ye Qing got off the bus, he walked to the address provided by the man and quickly found the abandoned chemical plant he said. It was a tattered abandoned factory building that looked out from the outside and found no different places. But Ye Qing saw the tire footprint on the ground.

Those tire marks, at first glance, are the traces that often leave the car in and out.

This discovery made Ye Qing very excited, which is enough to show that it is not simple. The people who sell the gossip are accurate and the information provided is accurate.

Ye Qing carefully approached the chemical plant and turned over from the rear to the factory. After entering, she heard the sound coming from the factory building not far away.

She slowly approached the other side, and when she found the source of the sound, she looked up and saw a large factory building, holding a lot of boys and girls.

When Ye Qingyi saw this situation, he knew that it was broken.

It’s not a fake den, but a place for people to hide.

The traffickers are some sultry people. If they are discovered by these people, she can almost imagine how they will end up.

Ye Qing carefully retreated and was ready to leave the area. When she was halfway through, she stepped on a dry branch and heard a ‘咔嚓’.

Ye Qing’s face changed greatly. After the traffickers in the factory heard the movement, they shouted, “Who.”

Damn, Ye Qing’s heart is a low curse.

She no longer cares about the other, she runs away.

After the trafficker came out of the factory, he looked around and saw Ye Qing, immediately chasing her.

Ps: thirteenth, thirteenth...

Finally, I don’t owe it.

Finally, I would like to thank the following cute little ones.

[小宝]【芸时琏】【一脸懵的婷仔】【白衣轻言】[Xue Zhiqian’s little girl] [Jun Ying] [Holding Nature Meng] [Wu Zongyuan] [阡陌]

[Happiness] [朦心不负] [Southern] [Night and quiet people] [When you have long hair and waist labor, a knife cut] [Ke Muling] [175**42] [The goddess]

[曲晓歌] [女痞] [Iyi] [waiting, meteor] [black heart liver fat] [w] [money ice] [micro blue ° shallow 殇] [天微凉夜未央] [瑶423]

[Good sleep] [holding snails in space] [Chen Mansha] [Stars and Falles] [Reverse Scales] [Hugs and Holds] [Bai Li cc] [Small Fish] [Mushroom Cool] [Mu Ye Xiao]

[For you, desperate] [nightmare] [bishui, 芜汐] [Murderex] [·] [and listen to the wind] [bamboo one] [who is in the demon] [this residue]

[August not central] [Xiahou Mingchu] [Mu sugar candy] [Xunjun laugh] [little liar] [Winter 斓] [姒九樱] [luna] [K's Xiao] [heart cold] [residual feather]

[Cool Summer] [Wait for your Tao] [Xin Bao] [E·wei] [A person's thin paper] [A little girl who loves to tangled]

I haven't written a list of rewards for a long time, piled up together, a lot.

Thanks again for feeding the little cute, love you, what?

(End of this chapter)

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