Chapter 1310 Gray Life 73

Ye Qing wore flat shoes, in order to find an unexpected situation to escape, but after the accident happened, even wearing flat shoes, still chased up behind him.

Seeing that they are getting closer and closer to themselves, Ye Qing’s face becomes very ugly. Her eyes kept looking around and couldn't find the entrance and exit, and all the places were blocked.

Ye Qing constantly retreats and retreats to the end. Only one wall remains, and there is no way to retreat.

The trafficker has been catching up, and his bad eyes are staring at her. "Escape, see where you are going."

Ye Qing's face became pale. "I, I didn't see anything, let me go."

The trafficker snorted, "Yes."

Speaking of the three men, two of them grabbed her hand from left to right.

"Ah." Ye Qing screamed and struggled.

Her struggle is just futile.

One of them found the recorder from her body and found a miniature pinhole camera.

After Ye Qing saw that his own things were found by them, the blood on his face faded and he looked at them with horror.

The man took those things in his hand and looked at her coldly. "I didn't see anything?"

The man slammed those things on the ground, and then stepped on it, breaking the color of things.

Ye Qing’s heart is like the video pen.

"Mom's egg, it turned out to be a reporter." One of the traffickers whispered, "Fortunately, we found out, otherwise we will be miserable."

"The police recently checked us so badly that this chick decided not to let go."

A few people are in the face of Ye Qing, who is deciding her to stay.

The leading man glanced at Ye Qing, stretched out his fingers and provoked her squat. "Who told you to do nothing, since you dare to control, don't blame us."

Ye Qing’s body shivered slightly. “Let me go. I, I promise not to leak your things.”

The leading man snorted. "Whoever puts it will put the reporter."

The three men walked Ye Qing to the factory, tied her hands and legs together, and locked them with other people who were turned and sold. The man didn't care about the arrival of Ye Qing. Everyone was not angry in the corner.

"Big brother, the reporter, did we give her to..." The man made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"Don't, it's a pity to kill it. I sold her. Just south of the southwest, someone wants to buy a wife. That girl is punctual, and she can definitely buy a good price." Another said.

"Look at her, don't let her run. Three days later, we set off to the southwest." The trafficker said.

"no problem."

On the night of the night, two drunken traffickers smudged into the workshop where they were held. After Ye Qing and others saw them entering, they subconsciously curled themselves up.

The two men’s fascinated eyes swept over the chicks and finally stayed on Ye Qing’s body. One of them pointed to Ye Qing. “She is tonight.”

After Ye Qing heard it, he couldn’t help but step back.

Her mouth was bandaged, she couldn't open her mouth, and her limbs were **** with ropes, so she wanted to escape and there was nowhere to escape.

Two men picked her up from the ground and dragged her away, despite her struggles.

The two directly took her into a room. There were some traffickers in the house. After seeing Ye Qing, they stared at her with the eyes of the ones.

(End of this chapter)

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