Chapter 1313 Gray Life 76

How can someone who has fallen into madness still hear what she said, licking her neck and starting...

From that day on, Ye Qingcai knew how happy life was.

The crappy middle-aged man is like an addiction to the abuse of the leaves. Every time she and her xxoo are violent, it seems that only then can he feel happy.

Ye Qing is afraid of darkness every day, because as long as the darkness comes down, the man will come over and make her die.

Every time the man leaves, she thinks about how to escape.

However, the man had long been prepared, and everything in the room that she could touch could not unlock the chain on her leg.

As the days passed, Ye Qing’s people became thinner and thinner, and the whole person was unbearable.

In the second month, she found that her monthly letter did not come.

This makes Ye Qing very scared.

Was she pregnant with the animal of the beast?

There was a retching in the stomach, which made her sick and sick. The disgusting feeling became more and more intense, which made her panic.

She does not want to bear the child of the beast, she does not.

Ye Qing kept pounding her belly and wanted to knock out the child in her stomach.

Just then, the sound of the sound outside the house made her stop. As usual, the man started cooking after seeing her in the house, and gave her a bad meal for a while.

At first, Ye Qing thought about a hunger strike and let him put himself out. Did not want to hit the man, directly irritating her to eat. After a few times, Ye Qing did not dare to use the hunger strike.

Ye Qingying's end of the rice bowl, just from one end, a sour taste into the nose, so she could not help but feel sick.

The lame man saw her reaction and his eyes lit up. "Do you have it?"

Ye Qing shook his head, but before he even exported, he began to retching.

The lame man ran out excitedly, and soon returned with a village doctor. After checking her, she determined that she was really pregnant. After confirming that she was pregnant, the lame man did not touch at night, but let Ye Qing breathe a sigh of relief.

In the days that followed, I made some fish and duck meat for Ye Qing to make up for her.

Ye Qing knows that as long as the child in her stomach is not born, she will not be bullied by the man, but let Ye Qing endure the impulse to get rid of the meat in the belly.

When Ye Qing was so hot, her parents went to the police station every day because of her disappearance and went out to find her whereabouts. Until one day, their parents received a phone call.

The people on the phone told them that Ye Qing’s whereabouts.

Ye Ye Yemu immediately set off for rescue, and there were many police officers who went with them. The police entered the village and found Ye Qing. At this time, Ye Qing had already had a big belly, and the whole person was unsatisfactory.

When Ye Qing saw her parents crying out of breath, the first thing she said was, "I am going to the hospital to get rid of this species."

Ye father Ye mother looked at her daughter's condition and nodded her consent.

They took her to the hospital, but her stomach was too big and she was not suitable for abortion. She could only be born.

Ye Qing collapsed. She didn't want the child of the beast. She couldn't help but want to kill her as soon as she thought of the blood flowing from the child.

Since Ye Qing was rescued, her mental state is not very good, especially for the child she gave birth, sometimes staring at the child, just like staring at the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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