Chapter 1314 Gray Life 77

Ye father Ye mother is afraid of what she has done, and she dare not put her child around her.

Shortly after Ye Qing’s rescue, the police found the dens of the traffickers based on the information provided by the anonymous phone, and gave them their dens in one fell swoop to rescue many women who were trafficked.

The group of traffickers was the group of people who sold Xiaosha in the same year. This time, the arrested traffickers had a hot news. The government attached great importance to it. When it became propaganda, it publicly sentenced all the traffickers, and the network was screaming for a while.

Bei Yu Yu relies on the sofa chair, and there is a stack of photos at her desk. The main characters of these photos are Ye Qing, Zhang Bingsheng, and three historians. The characters are different, the only thing is that their situation is not very good.

Everyone's face is awkward, and there is no anger in his eyes, as if he is a walking dead with a lost soul.

After Ye Qing has been trafficked, after going through that kind of thing, the nerves become somewhat abnormal.

Zhang Bingsheng has no son, lost everything, has been wandering in the city, looking for **** every day, sleeping under the bridge hole. Sometimes he was beaten by other wanderers, and even once he was beaten.

On a winter night, I was directly frozen on the street until two days later.

As for the three historians, the days in prison are very bad, and the hope is not the most desperate thing.

The Northern Rain has dealt with everyone, and the only thing that made her feel uneasy is the child of the original owner, Zhang Xiaoshan.

He is the most innocent being in this incident.

Shi Xiaoyu did not mention him in the list of retaliators, nor did he say that he helped him.

His existence is a stain in her life, always reminding her past people. No one who has ever experienced such a thing can face everything calmly and face his most memorable memories.

The existence of Zhang Xiaoshan happens to be the person who reminds her all the time.

Northern Rain can understand the original mind, her feelings for this son are very complicated, complicated until she completely ignores his existence.

Bei Yuyu knew that she was leaving. She could not accompany him. He could only entrust him to the original friend and let him take care of him. Bei Yuyu also gave him a sum of money to protect his future life.

After all the arrangements were made, Bei Yuyu successfully separated from the plane world.

She watched the car collide with the out-of-control truck. When the truck crashed, her soul broke away from the flesh and slowly separated from the plane world.

The north rain opened its eyes and saw no more that it was a broken thatched roof, but a blue brick building.

She sat up and licked her stiff body. After she put on her clothes, she walked out of the house.

It’s afternoon, and it’s not long before Xiaomoer should be back.

Bei Yuyu walked into the kitchen and glanced at the things inside. In the two days she left, there was not much less in the kitchen. I know that Xiaomoer likes to eat the noodles, and the north rains first to refine the flour. When he comes back, the face will be out of strength, just right for the ramen.

After the rain was done, the house began to clean the house, and the sky was gradually dull down. The little ink that should have returned was not seen.

This made Bei Yu's brows wrinkled.

There was some peace of mind in the north rain, putting the rag in the hand down and going out.

(End of this chapter)

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