Chapter 1318 The Real World


Xiaozi Mo returned to the secret room of the school together with Bei Yu. In the secret room, Zhang Fuzi still kept the appearance when they left. Bei Yuyi mentioned Zhang Fuzi and the two left the back door of the school.

At this time, the sky is dark, the location where the school is located is not the lively main street, the surrounding is very quiet, no pedestrians.

The north rain took the burlap bag out of the school, and the big one and the small two walked in the quiet and unmanned alley. Their goal is to break the temple outside the city, where the hustle and bustle gathers.

The northern rain blew a smog into the inside, and the original noisy temple was quiet.

When they walked in, all the hustle and bustle lay on the ground.

The northern rain smashed the linen bag and took the bag away, revealing Zhang Zikai’s tragic face. At this time, he is still in a coma. The north rain opened his mouth and stuffed a strong aphrodisiac into his mouth.

He was thrown directly into the armpit, and before they left, Bei Yuyu sprinkled in the house to learn about the drug powder. After a quarter of an hour, those who wandered in confusion.

When a few people woke up, they found out that something was going upstream. When they opened their eyes, they saw a man who was swollen like a pig's head. The clothes were half-baked, twisting the white and thin body, and constantly rubbing on them.

The few people were stunned, and it seemed that they were shocked by the sudden appearance of the man, and it seemed to be scared by the man’s move.

When they woke up, one of them was disgusted and pushed Zhang Zikai away. The other two were also a bit of a cold, only to feel that this man was really disgusting.

Zhang Zikai, who has long been fascinated by Wang, has lost his body and become uncomfortable in the body. It seems that thousands of ants are biting, making him feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

The clothes on his body faded away between his struggles and tears. Zhang Zikai, who was seen in the ruined temple, stood alone and writhed his white flower body.

One of them looked at his twisted waist and didn't feel a sip. He reached out to Zhang Zikai. When he touched, Zhang Zikai’s mouth made a comfortable voice.

The man saw that he did not resist, but instead enjoyed his face and began to work together.

The other cockroaches in the temple were smashed by Zhang Zikai’s squeaky voice. One by one, the scene gradually began to get out of control, and lost control to the end. Even if Zhang Zikai ate the aphrodisiac, the mouth still had a painful voice.

During the whole night, Zhang Zikai did not have a good piece of meat under his body. It was **** and horrible.

Zhang Zikai was awakened. When he woke up, he only felt that there was no pain in the whole body. Especially after the p-share, it was so painful that he frowned. He soon smelled a sour smell, and the smell came out of his body.

When he opened his eyes, he saw his miserable appearance. What scared him was that he was in a broken temple. During the day, all the temples in the temple broke out and there was no one.

Zhang Zikai wanted to get up, stood up several times, fell back a few times, and couldn’t help himself.

He wanted to find clothes, but he found that he didn't have his own clothes around him. At this time, he was naked and could not walk out of the temple.

(End of this chapter)

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