Chapter 1319 Real World

Zhang Zikai dragged his broken body and found a circle in the temple. He did not find a clothes that could be shy, forcing him to stay in the temple, waiting for the dark, and then quietly going back.

Just after the darkness, the cockroaches came back, and the two of them were wearing his clothes.

"You will return the clothes to me."

He laughed and said: "This dress was given to us yesterday, how can I go back."

When Zhang Zikai saw that they refused, they could only be tempted. "So I can buy it?"

"How much money do you have?"

"One or two silver." Zhang Ziqi said with a bite.

After hearing the other hearings, I laughed. "One or two silver, give you clothes to make you go back? You are dreaming. Now some people give us a dozen dollars, let us be good in the next few days. Take care of you."

Said that the man's gaze passed over his white flower. Zhang Zikai’s face became iron blue.

"I also have twenty-two." Zhang Zixin said, one bite his teeth.

Then he said: "The other party gives us each one and two silver. If you can give us twenty talents, we will let you go."

Zhang Zi's face was completely black.

Everyone has twenty-two silver, and a dozen or so people can be hundreds or two.

It is already a **** to let him take out twenty silvers. It is impossible to have two hundred silvers.

When I saw him, I knew he didn't.

"You will stay here well. You don't like *** very much. It is not better to stay here now."

Zhang Zikai is black, he likes to play with other people, not to let himself play.

In the next few days, Zhang Zikai was tortured and looked like it was five days after he escaped from his armpit. When he came out, he left Baiyun Town overnight.

Of course, all this is afterward.

After throwing Zhang Zikai into the temple in the north, he took the boy ink back to his home. Although after that, the kid ink recovered quickly.

When I ate my hands at night, I ate two bowls.

After he had dinner, Bei Yuqi didn't take him to the yard to go for a walk, but he said to him: "Ink, from tomorrow, the mother will teach you to know all kinds of poisonous grass and herbs. Poison, refining, detoxification. Are you willing to learn?"

The kid nodded.

Regarding the matter of looking for the Master, Bei Yuxi did not intend to re-elect him for the time being. This time, if she does not find a reliable master, she will not feel at ease.

The next day, the sky was bright, and the northern rains took Xiaomoer to the forest outside the city. When they entered the mountain, the sky was only a bright light, and soon the whole earth was golden and sunny.

Bei Yuyu found a purple flower from the grass and greeted the boy with ink. "Ink, remember that this flower is called purple stem orchid. It is a kind of grass with mild toxicity. If people and livestock are accidentally Its pollen is stained, itchy and rashes all over the body. It won't last long and will be eliminated automatically after about two or three days."

Kid ink memorizes its name and toxicity very seriously.

Walking in, Beiyuyu pulled out a weed-like plant from the ground and placed it in front of Xiaozi's ink. "This is called wild diamond. It is a kind of herbal medicine. It is used to treat cough. It works well. It's just that it has very little production and it's hard to find. We are lucky today."

Ps: Tenth, tenth... The man is about to go online.

The encounter you are expecting is coming. Hahaha... Little cutes can guess what would happen?

(End of this chapter)

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