Chapter 1336 Raiders against BOSS7

"Ou Shao, what can I do?" Zhao Wei grievances and looked at him uncomfortably.

Ou Nan coldly said: "Wait here, I will let you send clothes."

Said, Ou Nan went straight, and left the beauty of the red strip behind him.

Zhao Wei hated the Ou Nan, who was far away, but the heart was even more hateful. If it weren't for her appearance, she could go further with Ou Shao, and now she was eaten and wiped away, and she couldn't get anything.

On the other hand, after the rains of Beiyu took their clothes out, they encountered a lot of students along the way. Among them, the students with sharp eyes recognized the owner of the clothes.

"Hey, the clothes that Miss Bei has in her hand seem to be worn by Ou Shao today."

"You are not mistaken."

"Of course, I didn't misread. Strange, there are women's clothes there. Is the dress Miss Bei?"

"Impossible. The clothes are laced. Miss North is the least like to wear lace clothes, certainly not her."

"That's not her, how she holds it in her hand, and put it with Ou Shao's clothes."

Even if they open their brains, they will not think that Eunan, who is not close to the female color, will fight in the school at the school, which happened to be hit by the rain.

When the North Rains walked to the largest artificial lake in the school, in front of everyone, the clothes in their hands were thrown directly into the lake.

Under this loss, it makes people think together.

On the other hand, Ou Nan came out with a coat in a rushing grove. The students who met along the way were all scared by his dress, especially after seeing the wound on his face. The chin almost fell to the ground.

Who in the school dares to be impatient with the Eurasian opponents.

When Ou Nan hit the man halfway, he ordered the man to take off his clothes to him. Although he changed clothes very quickly, the time of running was very short, but it was still seen by many students. Soon, the little European wolf squatted from the grove. The news came out in school.

At the same time, Bei Yuqi took the clothes of Ou Shao and suspicious women's clothes and threw them into the lake. It also blew through the whole campus like the wind.

Waiting for Zhao Wei and Ao Nan to have a wound, and someone recognized the clothes of Zhao Wei, the truth of the people who eat melon.

I have always been clean and self-satisfied. Ou Shao likes Zhao Wei. The two can't help but love the love in the woods. I accidentally met the Zhengniang Niangbei Yuyu. Under the wrath of the North Rain, they repaired the two and dropped their clothes into the lake.

In less than a night, the entire school knew about it, except for one person, who was Beichen.

The next day, when Bei Chen returned to school with an injury, he heard emotional entanglements about Ou Nan, Zhao Wei and Bei Yu Yan on the way. Beichen did not react to this, just like he did not hear anything, and he went forward.

Suddenly, the road ahead of him was blocked.

Beichen looked at the north rain squatting in the middle of the road, and once again prepared for the beating. In school, many people are in a bad mood and always like to use him as a punching bag.

He has become accustomed to this.

Beichen looked at her and knew that her mood today would be bad. Although he does not care about the outside world, he also knows how much she likes Ou Nan. Ou Nan betrayed her, her mood is definitely bad.

I only hope that this time, don't push him into the hospital and delay his classwork.

Ps: tenth, tenth...

Little cute, good night.

Estimated this point, no one looked.

(End of this chapter)

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