Chapter 1337 Raiders villain BOSS8

When he saw his expression, Beiyu knew what he was thinking.

This is ready to be beaten.

North Yu Yan did not want to explain, stretched his index finger against his hook, ordered in a full-fledged arrogance: "Come here."

Beichen looked at her and clearly confessed her life, but the depths of the darkness of the bottom of the scorpion were revealed to be unyielding, but he finally walked over.

Bei Yuyu slightly lifted his chin and said to him: "From today, you are my follow-up. You are in school, I cover you. But you must listen to me."

Bei Chen looked at her in surprise, her eyes full of inquiry and vigilance.

Bei Yuyu suddenly approached him and grabbed his collar with one hand. He said in a 'malignant' tone: "Miss Ben now orders you as the master. From today, every time after the exam, I dare not be a monthly exam. The final exam, as long as it is an exam, you must give me the **** of the Eurasian. Do you understand?"

Bei Chen’s eyes passed a glimpse and finally understood her intentions.

She wants to use him to retaliate and disgust with Ou Nan.

He has no right to choose, and the situation at hand seems to be useful to him. In Tiansheng College, with Miss Beijia as a backing, no one dares to move him, and his days at school will become much more comfortable.

North Rain sees him staying there for a long time without reaction, angry asked: "Have you heard?"

Beichen nodded.

Bei Yuyu was nodded with satisfaction, and then handed her bag to his body, he hurriedly caught.

Bei Yuyu walked two steps forward, seeing that he was still in the same place, turned his head and said: "I don't hurry up to catch up."

Beichen lifted his foot and followed her.

Suddenly, the northern rain stopped. Beichen followed and stopped.

Beichen looked at her, and the north rain looked at the ‘her what she wanted to do’ from the bottom of his eyes. The lips didn’t feel a slight rise.


Beichen’s step forward still falls behind her, and there is no step beyond it.

Bei Yu Yan raised his eyebrows and looked at him. He wanted to carry out the ‘follow-up’.

She simply pointed her finger to her position and ordered: "Stand up here."

Bei Chen glanced at it and stood on the side of her body. As soon as she stood, she heard the sound of the north rain.

"You will stand in this position in the future, can you understand?"

Beichen did not understand why she did this. He did not have the mind to think about the reason, but just nodded mechanically.

Many students along the way saw Bei Yu and Bei Chen walking together, making everyone stunned.

"I didn't read it wrong, Bei Yu and Bei Chen walked together."

"When can they get along with each other peacefully."

"Look and see, Beiyu's bag is in the hands of Beichen."

"I must have not woken up, this must be my own illusion."

"I rely on it, is it raining to eat the wrong medicine?" One of them was screaming.

The companion next to him immediately reminded: "Idiot, you are looking for death. If she is heard by her, there is something you can do."

The man was so scared that he quickly hid in the crowd and did not dare to come out again.

The students that everyone has encountered on this road, all of them have an unbelievable combination of them. You must know that before this, there was a connection between Bei Yu and Bei Chen. There was only one beating and one being beaten.

The meeting between the two of them was always when Beichen was repaired.

(End of this chapter)

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