Chapter 1338 Raiders villain BOSS9

Beichen always consciously avoids the northern rain, but when the North Rain wants to find him, he can hide in the ends of the earth, she can always find him in the first time.

Now everyone is seeing them, can you not be surprised?

When Bei Yu and Bei Chen entered the classroom, the whole school had already spread the school of Bei Yu and Bei Chen.

When the two of them entered the classroom together, everyone looked at them with a brush.

Bei Yu has long been used to this kind of eye-catching gaze, and there is no feeling at all. Beichen has only one expression, even if he can't breathe, he is holding his face.

Therefore, when they are noticed by everyone, their expressions are the same.

The location of the north rain squat is in the middle of the classroom, and next to her is the southern part of the classroom, which is the best location in the classroom.

Beichen’s location is the last row of the classroom, next to the trash can, which is the worst location in the classroom.

The two eyes did not squint into the room. When walking to the location of the north rain, Beichen naturally placed the bag in her hand on her desk and then walked toward the rear. Suddenly, the backpack was pulled.

Bei Chen looked at her with a faceless face and looked at her with a trace of doubt.

The northern rain licks the position of the southern part of the country, "Sit here."

There was a slight change in Beichen’s twilight, and the people around him heard their words from the north rain, and they all widened their eyes and looked at the north rain with incredulity.

When he saw him staying there, he rudely took the bag from his hand and stuffed it into the drawer that originally belonged to the Outan. He sat in the position of Ou Nan.

There was a brief silence in the entire classroom, and I looked at this scene with a dumbfounded look. After the silence, it was a whisper.

"Scorpio, I thought it was a rumor. Now I finally believe it."

"I think the world must be a fantasy. Why do I see that the North Rain is actually staying in harmony with Beichen."

"Beichen took the position of the Outan, and waited for the European Union to come back, but there was a good show."

"You said that when Ou Nan came back, when he beat Beichen, will North Yuxi help him or let him be beaten?"

"This is also used to say that, looking at the way of the north rain, it is to use Beichen to gasize the southern part of the country, which shows that she cares about the southern part of the country. When the two of them conflict, Beichen is destined to be the existence of cannon fodder."

"It makes sense."

This is the unanimous idea of ​​everyone. Even the party, Beichen, feels the same.

However, even if they really want to know, they can't know now, because after Ou Nan was hit by a flood in the north, he still has a rest at home.

At this time, Ou Nan, who was injured at home, soon received news from many people.

When he saw that his position was occupied by the smashing of Beichen, he was so angry that he jumped out of bed and wanted to rush back to school and smash the smash.

Only his feet did not cross the door and stopped.

As soon as he thought of the injury on his face, he gloomyly took back the pace.

He is forbearing!

Wait until he goes back and see how he cleans up the chop.

A low-lying person actually touched his things.

When Ou Nan thought of the north rain, his lips showed a sneer, the woman who was overbearing and unconserved, he would like her when he was blind. If she is Miss Beijia, he will not look at her.

Before she messed up with her, she was away from her, but for the benefit of the family.

(End of this chapter)

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