Chapter 1344 Raiders villain BOSS15

The eyes they cast were different from the first time. They were not shocked, but they were looking at the eyes with great interest, especially the eyes that fell on Beichen. The whole body was the contempt and gloating of the red fruit.

Bei Yu and Bei Chen looked as usual, ignoring the eyes of the people from their own position, but when he went to that position, the footsteps did not stop, but went to the rear.

Suddenly, his backpack was pulled and he looked at her slightly.

Bei Yuyu pointed his finger at the table next to him. "Where to go, here is your place."

The northern rain rudely pulled out his backpack and stuffed it into the table. He saw that he was still standing there, impatiently urging: "Stand up and do something, sit."

Beichen sat down silently.

When he sat down, there was a slender figure at the door of the classroom. At the moment when Eunan appeared, everyone’s eyes were cast on him, except for two.

When Ou Nan saw his position sitting on the chop, his brow wrinkled slightly, and he leaned into the classroom with a slight face.

Everyone's gaze moves with the movement of Aunan. As Ou Nan gets closer to Beichen, the light of their eyes is getting stronger and stronger.

Ou Nan stood at the Beichen table and said coldly: "This is my place."

Bei Chen raised his head slightly and glanced at him silently, then bowed his head and ignored it.

When Ou Nan saw this shard, he ignored him so much that he was so angry that he was angry.

He thought that he now has a rain in Beiyu, and he would not dare to move him.

He wants him to know that when the two of them are in conflict, whether the North Rain is helping him or helping the chop.

Ou Nan grabbed the book he was reading from Bei Chen's hand, and then tore off his book in front of everyone, and finally threw it down to the ground, stepping on his foot.

When Ou Nan saw his own shot, the northern rain did not stop the whole process, and the lips and corners did not feel a smug smile.

The people who are watching the drama in the classroom, when they saw this scene, were not surprised by the indifference of the northern rain.

In their view, the north rain smashed the Beichen gas to the south of the country, and now the southern part of the country is coming back, and there is something about Beichen.

"Haha, I said that when Ou Nan repaired Beichen, Beiyuyu would not help."

"It's still worth saying, something that is clear."

"This is going to be bad for Beichen."

In the classroom, with the shot of Ou Nan, the voice of whispering sounded immediately.

Bei Chen did not say what they said, and listened to the ear, the hand placed on the table, slightly tight, but I do not know why his heart is a little uncomfortable.

The northern rains naturally heard their arguments. The corner of her eyes kept paying attention to Beichen’s every move. The slight changes in his face failed to escape her eyes.

When Ou Nan took the shot, Bei Chen’s body refused to be more and more intense in a thousand miles, and almost a move back to liberation, even worse than before.

Hey, this half-month of the good feelings of brushing, in the presence of the South-European one fell short.

This also reflects the inversion of the big BOSS in the heart is extremely sensitive and insecure.

Once there is any wind and grass in the outside world, they will let them return themselves to their turtle shells, build high walls and protect themselves.

The northern rain squat suddenly stood up, and the eyes of everyone in the classroom were transferred to her body.

(End of this chapter)

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