Chapter 1345 Raiders villain BOSS16

Bei Chen’s indifferent gaze also fell on the body of Bei Yu.

Ou Nan saw the rain and got up, and his face raised a handsome smile. "Yu Yu, you misunderstood that thing. I really have nothing with her. She is seduce me."

In the past two months, Ou Nan explained every day, and she glared at her with sweet words every day. Although she never responded, Ou Nan, who had already figured out the character of Bei Yu, was not worried at all.

In his opinion, Bei Yu did not reply, but it was only her young lady's temper.

He is confident that when the two meet, she will be able to return to his arms, do the one who has been silently behind her to block her knife, and sweep away all the stupid women he does not like.

Bei Yuyu heard his explanation, and the corner of the corner slightly slid a touch of curvature.

In this way, in this half-month, I have seen countless times from the information he sent. She really can't imagine how thick the face of this person can be said.

It’s time to make people swindle in bed, or at that time, there’s still a face that says there’s nothing between the two, and when is it?

What makes North Yu Yan feel that he is shameless is that he blames all the sins on Zhao Wei and seduce him.

The most annoying thing in her life is this kind of man who likes to push all the faults to the woman.

This kind of scum male and awkward man who did not take responsibility.

The original owner was blinded by the dog's eyes and would look at him.

If it is said that he looks at his appearance, in fact, in the view of Bei Yuzhen, the appearance of Ou Nan is really not as good as Beichen. The five senses of Beichen are more refined than that of Ou Nan, but the beauty of the two belongs to different types.

Ou Nan belongs to the handsome beauty of the sun, and Beichen belongs to the kind of cold and cold beauty.

North Yu Tong looked at his face was bright smile, is said not only did not confuse his smile, but feel itchy and wanted him licked.

"The bag is for me." Bei Yuyu said to Ou Nan.

When the voice of the northern rain fell, the eyes of the surrounding people were bright.

"Haha, Beiyu will definitely put the schoolbags of Ou Nan into the table and throw Beichen's schoolbags on the ground. The next step is to throw Beichen out of the position."

"The hero sees the same thing."


For everyone's point of view, Beiyuyu will do this, even the party Ou Nan thinks so.

The same Beichen was psychologically prepared, waiting for him to go out from here.

The northern rains naturally heard the voices of the people around them, but she did not say anything, but opened the bag of Ao Nang and found the book that was torn off by Ou Nan.

She took it out, and then everyone saw the bag in the air and made a parabola, which went outside the window.

Everyone's gaze followed the bag's trajectory, turned to look out the window, and saw the bag steadily falling on the big tree not far from the window, hanging firmly on it.

The eyes of the people opened a little bit, and when the dust settled, a pair of eyes were full of beans, and the eyes were full of incredible colors.

This result is completely beyond the expectations of all of them.

Beichen’s double-waves were not shocked, and there was a slight surprise in the eyes of lifelessness.

Ou Nan, like everyone else, is shocked by the languageless list.

The northern rain rush is like not seeing everyone's astonished appearance. The cold voice is faintly sounding. "You should use this book for the time being. I will give you a new one later."

(End of this chapter)

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