Chapter 1346 Raiders villain BOSS17

Her voice successfully pulled back everyone's attention, and one of the two squinted at the only surviving book fell into Beichen's hands so firmly.

After seeing Beichen in the north, he did not respond. He asked: "Do you think this is what he used, don't like it? Forget it, Miss is in a good mood today, and it is difficult for me to use my book for you. Don't be too touched, too Thank me."

In the heart of Beichen, there was just a shock after the shock, but the feeling of the touch just came out, and it was wiped out by the last sentence of Bei Yuqi.

However, on his high-rise atrium, there has been a trace of cracks in the silk, and this subtle change, he has not noticed.

It took a while for Ou Nan to stand on the side and wake up from the shock. After waking up, his eyes and his heart were full of humiliated anger, and his heart burned with raging fire, and he could not wait to tear the men and women in front of him.

"North Rain, you, you..." Ou Nan gasped his face, pointing his fingers at the north rain, and his eyes were burning.

The cold rain and indifferent eyes of the north rain looked at him. When the sight fell on him, the pupil narrowed slightly, and the cold voice said word by word: "You are allowed to withdraw your finger within three seconds, otherwise I will let you regret it."

Ou Nan was shocked by the coldness of her eyes.

The three seconds are fleeting, and the fingers of Aunan remain the same.

He didn't believe what she really could do with him.

The northern rain squats out his hand, and as soon as he grasps his finger, everyone hears a bang, his fingers are misplaced, and the Eurasian screams sound in the classroom.

In addition to the screams of the southern part of the classroom, the classroom could not hear other voices.

Others who are watching live broadcasts, like the people in the classroom, are watching this scene.

Soon there was a large amount of bounce information on the screen.

"I rely on, what I saw, and the northern rains actually shot against Europe."

"Scorpio, just a crisp sound, even if it is not my own hand, I can feel the pain."

"Europe is poor, poor." Brain powder from Ou Nan.

"Is it raining this time?"

"Is it necessary to use the wrong way to win back the heart of Europe?"

"According to the character of Bei Yuyu, she is not like someone who will still do such a thing, is it because Beichen has tempted her in her ear and let the most stupid way to save Ou Shao." From conspiracy theorists Speech.

"Oh, isn't there anyone who thinks that the weather in the north is very windy, handsome, and domineering?"

When the remarks came out, someone jumped out.

"Upstairs, you are looking for death."

Just as soon as the sly person finished, he saw the special family badge with that statement. When I saw the badge, the man was scared to go offline and delete the account.

Everyone also noticed this comment. The bounce screen is very tacit, and there is a short gap. Seeing the swaying commentary, I have already commented on the hidden family badge below.

After a while, someone finally made a sound.

"Comrades, please tell me, I have no eyes, I saw the little demon in tmd."

"Upstairs, I am also blind."

In the next second, the fans of the fans from the genius appeared, and the comments were instantly overwhelmed by comments such as the following.

"Oh, my little deeds have appeared."

"Less, I love you, I want to give you a monkey."

Ps: Fourth, this is to pay off yesterday's owe four.

Yesterday, Moye was mad at it, but the words of his friends were right. "The Qing Dynasty is clear," but Mo Ye feels that there are times when it is necessary to clarify, otherwise people will be clouded and awesome.

In the past, Moye saw it in Jinjiang literature. There are many authors who write very well because of the readers’ arrogance or such rumors, and finally the disappointment or the end of the collapse of the mentality. One of the books, I am most impressed, it seems to cross the sixties, the author of the book was written in the early stage is too wonderful, the late wife is a pity.

I feel that if I don't vent it, I am afraid that I will also take her path.

The mentality of the author's writing is too important.

Ink temper is anxious, and you can't be a little embarrassed, so if you don't want to be angry, it's hard to care. In the rules of the book review area of ​​Moye, I wrote about the handling of this problem.

I am a person who has something to say, and I am angry with my heart, and I am wrong.

A little cute has apologized to me, and everyone should not comment or talk about anything. This matter has been revealed. As for the other two, I feel that the ink master has done a big job, then I apologize to you here.

Let's have a goodbye.

Maybe you can't see this paragraph.

However, I don't care, I have no conscience. I am angry, I will not let me vent, I will really get rid of internal injuries.

Finally, things are here, and no one needs to mention them anymore.

Moye has adjusted his mindset.

Thank you for supporting me all the little guys, love you.

(End of this chapter)

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