Chapter 1353 Raiders villain BOSS24

Joe Si noticed that Beichen, who could not move on the ground, had a flash in his head.

He shouted at the younger brothers: "Don't attack the woman, attack the man."

After the Northern Rain sees his words again, his face changes slightly, but the inner world is in ecstasy, and his heart yells, 'This leader’s big man has finally opened up.' She waited for this moment and waited for a long time.

Otherwise, she made a cold ice palm, and they have already solved these people, and they still have to drag here.

After the younger brother heard the order, he was divided into two groups of people. A group of people wrapped around the north rain, and a group of people went to Beichen.

At this time, he had no power to fight back, and he could only watch the sticks fall toward his body. He is ready, and a black shadow suddenly appears in front of him.

There was a repressed snoring sound from the top of his head.

Bei Chen saw the root stick hitting her back. Her little face was so white and biting her lower lip, and she didn’t say anything.

Bei Chen looked at her and looked at the thin figure that was above him.

The blood red that was slowly infiltrated in the depths of his eyes was a little faded.

The group of small gangsters saw this, one by one, it was like finding a way to deal with the North Rain, starting from attacking the North Rain, and attacking Beichen.

Beichen looked at the rain on the raindrops and became more and more. The blood on her face slowly faded and her body was crumbling.

"Give a hard work, she will fall soon." Those people shouted excitedly.

Beichen tried to climb up, but his limbs seemed to be filled with iron and lead.

He could only watch her alone and watched her become scarred.

Oh, oh~

A drop of warm blood fell on his face, and the warm blood seemed to get hot, and his cold heart shivered slightly.

Why, why should I block him?

Bei Chen’s shocked and complicated black scorpion is on her clear water.

She seems to understand his doubts, she heard her hoarse voice, fiercely said to him: "Bei Chen, you are my person. Miss Ben warned you, without my permission, not easy to die. ”

It is still the fierce tone, but I don't know why, it is so warm in the ear.

Bei Chen’s look at her, rejecting the high-rise atrium that is thousands of miles away, and the cracks are getting bigger and bigger.

Just as she spoke, a sharp knife stabbed her.

"Be careful." Beichen screamed out loud.

The northern rain has long felt the back of the wind, her body slightly on one side, the knife avoiding her heart, but across her arm, at that moment, Bei Yuyu felt a while to eat The pain came from the arm.

The northern rain rushed quickly, and immediately counterattacked and took the knife in the hand.

She stood in front of him, holding a knife in her hand, facing a group of extremely wicked people. "I want to knock down this lady and dream."

Her words were very hard, but Beichen noticed that her body was slightly trembled and would fall down at any time.

At this moment, the driver who had been looking for the whereabouts of the North Rain, faintly heard the voice of Miss San from the alley, and hurriedly came to this side. As soon as he came over, he saw his three Misses surrounded by blood.

The driver shouted and exclaimed: "Miss."

Joe and others turned to look at another uninvited guest.

Ps: The seventh is more... Less three, and I will get the code word tomorrow morning.

I was thinking about sending it together.

Mommy’s mom woke up in the middle of the night and found that I hadn’t slept yet, and forced me to sleep, not letting me stay up late. Said that I stayed up late every day, not letting me stay up late. So... can only sleep awkwardly.

good night.

(End of this chapter)

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