Chapter 1354 Raiders villain BOSS25

The driver is really going crazy, and if he is late, his life will be lost.

Joe Si really blinked and wanted to get rid of this person, but when he saw the driver's chest with the North family's badge, the pupil tightened and the blood on his face faded.

He, what he saw, that is the clan of the North family.

Just he called the girl called Miss San.

Miss Mijiabei, isn’t it the daughter of Beijing Yuyu who grew up in the north? Bei Yu Yan is a veteran old woman from the North. The North Father is very fond of her. She has two older elder brothers who are ten years old on her, and she is also spoiled by her.

She is the real Pearl of the North.

Joe can't think of it. The pearl of the North will appear in a place like a shack, and it will be done for a man.

He suddenly understood why Ou Shao would deal with this kid.

He always thought that this kid had inadvertently offended Ou Shao, Ou Shao scruples identity, inconvenient to shoot, let them do it. He never thought that this involved the Miss North.

Damn, I knew that I should investigate the cause of the matter first, instead of rushing to rush to please Europe.

Even if he regrets not falling, it will not help at this time.

Joe wants to kill them, so he can get a hundred, but he is not an idiot. As the driver of Miss Bei San, how could it be a simple driver, who can appear next to Miss Bei San, are all extraordinary people.

There is only one idea in Joe's brain, and that is to escape.

He has been cautious and sinless, and he is not guilty of the eight family members, but he never thought of a momentary negligence that would make him touch the taboo.

After the driver appeared, Joe tweeted for a few seconds, and he quickly responded in his mind, without saying anything, fleeing directly.

The driver wanted to stop them, but saw the young man's crumbling body.

He could only watch them run away.

The most important thing now is to save the lady.

It’s not easy to find out the chopsticks of these three young ladies.

When the driver went to Fubei Yuyu, he saw Bei Yuyu posing to him. "I, I am fine, save him first."

The driver only saw the boy who had been protected by Miss San. He was full of scars and bruises, lying still in the pool of blood. If the eyes were still clear, I thought he was devoid of breath.

Just a glance, the driver can see that he has been holding on to keep himself from fainting.

Even if his injury is heavier than that of the young lady, it is important that he has a young lady.


The northern rain slammed a slightly hoarse voice and sternly ordered: "Fast."

The driver sees the lady with a firm attitude and can only go to Beichen. When the driver lifted Beichen from the ground, they saw a figure in front of them slowly falling from their eyes.

The driver stunned and widened his eyes. "Three Miss."

Beichen looked at her equally, and slowly fell from his eyes.

There was a loud noise in the ‘嘭’, and the figure was like a thunder drum, hitting him in his heart and letting him forget everything.

When he was put down by the driver, he forgot; when he was carried on a stretcher, he forgot; all the outside world was automatically shielded by him.

Just because of his mind, he replayed the slowly falling figure over and over again.

(End of this chapter)

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