Chapter 1355 Raiders villain BOSS26

The medical staff saw him open his eyes. They asked him what he was. He said nothing. The whole person was like being fixed there, and it was like a lifeless body.

If he still has breathing, the pulse is still beating, they will think he is really dead.

"Doctor, what's wrong with him?" The nurse looked at him worriedly.

The doctor looked at his situation. "Give him a comprehensive examination of his head to see if he was injured in the head, which led him to do so."



One day later, the north rain opened his eyes and saw the ceiling of the white flowers. There was no smell of disinfectant in the air, but it smelled lightly.

Xiao Cui, the domestic helper who kept her side, saw the surprise when she saw her wake up.

"Miss Miss, you finally woke up."

"Where is this?" Bei Yuyu looked at everything in the room, not like a home, not like a hospital.


Bei Yuyu thought of Bei Chen. "Where is the boy who came in with me? How is he doing now?"

Xiao Cuiyi thought that she was so bad, and she saw that the lady cares about him so much. Some hate the unmasked teenager. "Miss, you will relax. He is also in this hospital, there are medical staff. Look, there will be nothing."

After Xiao Cui finished, he then said: "The young master and the second young master, they will come today. Master and wife, will come the day after tomorrow."

The North family is very busy. Whether it is the North Father or the North Mother, or the Big Brother or the Second Brother, they have a lot of things to do every day. Ninety percent of the time is running around the world.

It can be said that the entire North House only has Beiyuyu living alone all year round.

Parents rarely restrain her and indulge her life, not only because she is their old woman, but also contains a shackle that can't accompany her.

As long as the original North Rains did not make murder and arson, they all followed her.

This time, when I heard that the northern rain was severely wounded, I was lying in the hospital, and the work that the family had put down was flying back from all over the world.

"Let them not come back, I am fine." North Rain whispered.

Just then, a magnetic male voice came from the doorway. "When did the little girl become so sensible?"

Bei Yuyu looked at the handsome man who came in and looked like the original owner. The person who can say this must be the former second brother.

"Second brother." Bei Yuyu learned the original master's appearance, spoiled and screamed.

Beibei smiled and walked up, only his eyes were seeing her bandages everywhere, and the smiley eyes were full of cold light.

Beibei sat next to her, "Is it painful?"

The north rain nodded, "pain."

"Know that it hurts, I will encounter such a thing next time, don't rush to the front. If you have a good time, the old man and the mother have to give up the roof of the house." Looking at her, my eyes are full of distress.

North Rain smiled. "I lost my hand this time. Otherwise, I will kill them in minutes."

Beibei tapped her nose and disapproved and said: "You are a girl. This kind of fight and killing is not for you. If you have such a thing, tell your brother, my brother will help you solve it. Do you know?" ?"

When they talked, there was movement outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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