Chapter 1356 Raiders villain BOSS27

A few minutes ago, Beichen was awake, and there was only one person in the room, quiet.

There was a person in his mind - ‘North Rain 棠’.

At this time, he didn't think about anything in his mind. He only wanted to see her and see that person.

He pulled the needle out of his hand and climbed out of bed with difficulty. Just after the legs, I almost fell back and sat back. He insisted on his teeth and slowly stepped forward, stepping away from the outside.

When he got out of the ward, he looked around and looked at the signs on the floor and went to the ward of the vip on the top floor. Halfway through, many people looked at Beichen, who was covered in bandages, and noticed that his face was pale and his forehead was overflowing with dense sweat.

"Are you okay?" one of the middle-aged women asked.

Beichen seems to have not heard, looking at the number of elevators constantly beating.

The woman saw him and ignored him and ignored him.

When I arrived at the vip floor, there was only one person left in the elevator.

‘叮’, the elevator opens.

Beichen supported the wall and went to the service desk step by step. A nurse on duty, on the table, wrote a work record sheet and did not notice the proximity of Beichen.

"Please, what is the ward of Miss Beijia?"

The nurse heard the sound and looked up at him with amazement. He noticed that he was not flushed with his face, and his brow was slightly wrinkled. "Are you okay?"

Beichen ignored it and stubbornly asked: "Which ward is the north rain?"

The nurse looked at him. Although he didn't seem to be threatening, she couldn't tell other people about the patient information in the VIP ward.

"I can't tell you this," the nurse said with an apology.

At this moment, the sound of the elevator came, and a group of black-collared bodyguards surrounded a tall, handsome man who came towards them. The path passed by them and went to the end of the ward.

Bei Chen's eyes were fixed on the headed man. From his looks, he already guessed his identity.

The little nurse looked at the arrogant man, the domineering man with full gas, his eyes full of red hearts. The man of the North is a famous beautiful man. Like this handsome man, the top man of the family is the perfect prince in the minds of women.

After they left, Beichen followed.

The little nurse quickly shouted: "You can't go."

Beichen still uses the body that is weak to fall at any time, stubbornly going to the other side.

The little nurse wanted to chase it out to stop, but when he saw his difficult walking, he still insisted on going there. Some couldn't bear it, and he pretended not to know anything, and silently lowered his head.

Beichen supported the wall, took three steps, and stopped to rest two steps. His forehead was covered with fine sweat, and his pale face had an unusual blush.

It was a short distance of a few steps, but it took him three minutes to get to the end.

As soon as he approached, the two bodyguards standing at the door raised their hands to stop him from moving forward.

Beichen looked at the indifferent bodyguard and gasped. "I want to see her."

"This gentleman, please leave here."

Beichen didn't move, swaying, standing there, staring at them stubbornly, saying, "I want to see her."

The bodyguard was indifferent to this and still replied with no expression; "Please come back."

Ps: third more...

Sorry, Ink has overslept, and it’s late today, and the update is late.

(End of this chapter)

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