Chapter 1357 Raiders villain BOSS28

"I want to see her." Beichen's body trembled slightly, as if to fall, but insisted on it at the last minute.

The movement outside the house was heard by people inside the house.

Bei Yuyu heard the voice of Beichen and said to Beibei: "Second brother, let them in."

Beibei made a look at Xiaocui, Xiaocui went to the doorway and looked at Beichen standing at the door. "Come in."

Bei Chen’s foot just stepped out, and the body fell backwards. Fortunately, the bodyguard on the side shot in time and took his hand.

Beichen stabilized his body and whispered to the man: "Thank you."

The bodyguard nodded slightly.

Xiao Cui looked at him, his eyes were indifferent. "Can you go?"

His weak appearance did not make her relieve his disgust to him. After all, he was so bad.

Bei Chen took a deep breath and straightened up. "Yes."

Beibei noticed that since the appearance of the person, her eyes have been staring at the door, but it made him curious, but what kind of person can make her protect her life so hard.

When Beichen entered their eyes, Beibei’s sharp eyes looked at him, and the eyes seemed to be able to reach his heart. However, when he touched his eyes, he was lightly stunned.

That person’s eyes is like a pool of stagnant water, lifeless, as if everything around him has nothing to do with him.

Just a glance, Beibei has a judgment.

Such a person is by no means a good person.

Just after he made a judgment on Beichen in his heart, he saw a slight fluctuation in his gaze, which was a kind of fine-wave motion.

Beibei followed his gaze and landed on his sister.

It seems that he does not feel completely at all with his sister, but even so, Beibei still does not agree with him and his sister. People like him, it is too difficult and difficult to walk into his heart.

Even if one day, my sister can enter the world he built, the process must not be easy.

Why do they need to be so eager to do so in the palm of their hand in the North.

Bei Chen’s gaze fell straight on the body of Bei Yu, and no one else could be seen.

Bei Yu looked at him with a smile, and the two men met in the air and looked at each other.

Beibei looked at their ‘deep love’ hopes, their brows wrinkled slightly, but they quickly disappeared.

Beibei lightly coughed to remind the two.

Bei Yuyu regained his gaze, his eyes noticed his abnormal blush, and the thin sweat on his forehead, her brow slightly wrinkled.

"Xiao Cui, hurry to help him sit down."

Xiao Cui heard the words, holding him unwillingly, sitting on the chair next to him.

Bei Yuyu looked at Beichen and said with dissatisfaction: "You are so badly hurt, you don't have a good rest, you still run around, you don't want to die."

Her words are still fierce, but this time in his ears, it has changed and become warm.

Bei Chen said with a hoarse voice: "I, I want to see you."

"This lady is born with natural beauty, so that you can not forget, but you stupid, do not want to run over, you are not stupid. You will not wait until you are sick and then look."

The north rain glared at him, but he was able to see a happy smile from her eyes.

Bei Chen did not answer, and looked at her with a heavy gaze.

Beibei looked at them and asked them one by one, and they sighed a little.

It seems that the little girl is really on the man.

(End of this chapter)

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