Chapter 1368 Raiders villain BOSS39

Beichen looked at her.

In the eyes of outsiders, it seems that Beichen does not feel anything, but Bei Yuyu noticed the fluctuation of Beichen's mood.

The northern rain came to Beichen's side and reached out to hold his cold hand. The tone said fiercely: "From now on, you are my person. When did you pay off two million and when you will be free." Xiao Cui, set a letter for them, saving some people from turning their faces afterwards."

Beichen looked at her, did not say anything, silently bowed his head.

Xiao Cui had already seen the couple, listening to the lady’s instructions, not to mention the white paper from the nurse’s side, and writing a line on it.

After writing it, he immediately gave it to Beiyuyu. After seeing it, Beiyuyu pointed out two places that need to be revised. Then he added another sentence. "Add two on top. First, before you pay off the debt, Party A’s parents have no right to interfere with any of Party A’s affairs, including property.”

"Second Article, Party A has to listen to Party B's arrangements during the debt repayment period."

"Okay, miss." Xiao Cui turned his back and immediately got a new agreement.

This time, after seeing the North Rain, the agreement was handed over to both of them.

"Look, if there is no problem, sign it. If you want your own son, you don't have to sign it, you can pay off the debt for him."

How can Bei Guorong repay his debts for a wild species? It has been enough to raise him for so many years, and he has to pay for his debts. It is a dream.

North Guorong did not say anything, and signed the name on the agreement.

When it was Zhang Fang’s turn, she looked hesitant.

Bei Chen’s eyes stared at her, and her eyes were full of embarrassment. I hope she will choose herself at the last minute.

Bei Yuyu looked at him sideways, saw the period in his eyes, and saw his desire.

Her heart sighed slightly.

He is destined to be disappointed.

So come here, let him clearly know his position in Zhang Fang's mind. Now let him slowly know the truth, let him touch the truth a little bit, and wait until the biggest secret exposure, it will not be hit hard to break out.

Zhang Fang was screaming at Beichen, and in the eyes of tears, he looked at him with disappointment.

Bei Guorong saw her grinding, impatiently urging: "Hurry, if you don't sign, just get out."

Zhang Fang was stunned by him, and he was so scared that he signed his name on the agreement, and immediately raised his head and said to Beichen: "I'm sorry. Mom, sorry for you."

Beichen looked at the name on the agreement and the whole person was stiff there.

The northern rain 棠 only felt a slight pain in his hand, holding Bei Chen’s hand, was being held by his backhand.

The strength of the grip, a little bit of aggravation, a burst of pain from the hand.

The northern rain sighed silently and did not pull back.

Zhang Fang looked at her son's appearance and looked painful. She reached out and wanted to touch Beichen, but she never thought of Beichen's slight side and avoided her hand.

Zhang Fang looked at his lost hand, and he didn’t react to it for a long time. The face was even hit and it was about to faint.

"Chen Chen." Her tone is full of loss and sadness.

Bei Guorong grabbed Zhang Fang’s hand and said with dissatisfaction: “The dead mothers, what are they doing here, and go back to cook.”

Zhang Fang was rudely pulled by Bei Guorong, but she looked at Beichen from time to time, looking forward to seeing him again, but Beichen always looked down.

Ps: fifth more... think about ten together, but that's too late, so let's separate.

First send the five more, and later there are five more... If the fifth is completed early, it will make up.

(End of this chapter)

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