Chapter 1369 Raiders villain BOSS40

"I have never seen such a worried parent, not directly with my own children."

"You didn't see the man's appearance. It's not easy to get along with you on weekdays. With the look of their mother and son, it's not going to be a good day."

"Oh, poor child. Now when I was a teenager, I was abandoned by my parents."

"The little girl won't really want to take him with him?"

"Which child can let his child take a person. If you can't wait for a while, you will be driven out by the little girl's family. If you go out, you can go back."

"If he goes back, the man will definitely repair the child. Only in front of so many people, he said that he wouldn't feel bad about his children."

"With such a handsome child, how can this father go down?"

"Isn't that what it is, what kind of people are there."

The onlookers sneaked on the discussion, and the crowd gradually dispersed with their arguments.

Beichen has always maintained that way, as if it were a duckweed with no wandering, standing alone. Until a pair of hands on his shoulders, the low-pitched sound of the ear sounds soft and pleasing to the ear. "With me, I won't let you alone."

Beichen looked up at him, and the faint glare stared at her.

Although he did not say anything, but the northern rain did understand.

Bei Yuyu mentioned the pair of hands he held tightly, wrinkled a beautiful face and said: "Can you change one hand? This hand is a little painful."

Beichen rushed to loosen, it felt like an electric shock. He noticed her hand, slightly red, showing how much strength she used, but she said nothing.

Looking at her red hand, his heart was slightly touched.

"Bei Chen, I want to apologize to you seriously." Bei Yuyu stretched his face and said with a serious face, "I don't know if they will be so simple..."

Her voice rang, followed by: "The money does not require you to compensate, this agreement is just a piece of waste paper, you can go at any time."

Bei Yuyu took the agreement from Xiao Cui's hand and stuffed it into his hands.

Xiaocui’s eyes looked at the agreement and it’s so sloppy.

Beichen looked at the agreement in his arms and gently picked it up and stuffed it back into the hands of Bei Yuyu.

"It's not waste paper." Bei Chen's low voice, whispered.

Bei Yuyu looked down at the piece of paper. "When do you want to take it away, let me know. I am coming over today, I want to tell you that your bed has been changed."

She told Xiao Cui: "Xiao Cui, moving things."

"Good." Xiao Cui responded, and he started to sort things out.

Bei Chen did not have any opinions. He followed her on the VIP floor. When they reached the end of the ward, Beichen’s faint flashed a bit of surprise.

Pushing in the door, I saw two beds in the big ward, a curtain in the middle of the two beds, and when I go to sleep at night, I can pull it up.

Bei Yu Yan pointed to one of the beds and said: "This bed is yours."

After Xiao Cui put things down, he left with interest.

Bei Yuyu lay comfortably in bed, seeing him still standing there, fiercely said: "Hey, hey, have you been standing for so long, not tired? Go try your bed, but I specifically let..."

(End of this chapter)

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