Chapter 1379 Raiders villain BOSS50

Only then did he come in a hurry, and there was only one thought in his mind to see her. However, when he stood in front of her room, she was timidly stopped.

When the door was squatting, the door suddenly opened.

Bei Yuyu looked at him with surprise and his hand in the air.

The northern rain smashed the panic in his eyes. "Are you going to ask me to go down for dinner?"

I didn’t wait for Beichen’s opening, but I heard the North Rain Trail saying: “It’s rare that you are so hearted.”

The North Rain Path has been passing by him. It seems that he has not seen him. He has just walked two steps and saw that he is still in the same place. He turned his head and said, "Hey, still not."

Bei Chen heard the words and kept up with her pace.

North Rain saw him step by step behind him, stopped and looked at him unpleasantly. "Bei Chen, what did I tell you?"

Beichen looked at her doubtfully.

Bei Yuyu finger pointed to the side of the body, Beichen understood, stepped forward, standing on her side.

Bei Yuyu was nodded with satisfaction.

Walking in the long corridor, I heard the sound of the north rain and the lightness of the sound. "Qin Guanjia will arrange you next to me. It is really getting older and more confused. However, since it is arranged, it is difficult You live next to me."

Suddenly she turned her head and looked at him with fierce eyes. "Boy, I can warn you, if you dare to think about it, be careful that I will stew you. Are you afraid of it?"

Beichen looked at her fierce eyes, did not feel a trace of fear, but the heart was warm. Looking at her sullen look, she suddenly felt that she was really good-looking, and that she couldn’t move her eyes.

[Hey, the villain's goodwill on the host is thirty-five. 】

I heard the sound of the system coming from my mind, especially the good feelings of the thirty-five, which made Bei Yu’s heart clear. Sure enough, he knew that the room was specially arranged by her.

The more she wants to prove that her neglect of him, the more he can feel his attention and care for him.

"Afraid." Beichen replied.

Bei Yuyu looked up proudly and lifted his chin. "I know that I am afraid. The house is the worst in our building. I didn't expect Qin Butler to help you arrange it there. Have you offended him?" ”

Bei Chen listened to her ‘nonsense’ and her heart became warmer and warmer.

Is she always insincere? !

Beichen recalled this time and her past. After the prejudice, it seemed as if the veil that had covered his fog had disappeared, and all the things that could not be seen were clearly printed into the eyes at that moment.

[Hey, the villain's goodwill for the host is forty. 】

[Hey, the villain's goodwill to the host is forty-five. 】

[Hey, the villain's goodwill on the host is fifty. 】


The northern rain slammed the sound and then heard a cry. Her look was a little glimpse.

It’s a bit surprising that this rhythm is fast!

Before, she knew that when he opened everything and recognized the truth, the violent contrast would have a big impact on him, which was earlier than she expected.

The final good feeling stayed at sixty-five.

[The host is good, the direction of the strategy is correct. If you continue to work hard, you can let the villain feel the true love of the world and give up the idea of ​​destroying the world. 】 The voice of the secluded voice said.

The north rains are undecided, the face is as usual, and the words still saying 'insincere words' are still spoken in the mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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