Chapter 1380 Raiders villain BOSS51

The restaurant is large and has a long table that can accommodate two or thirty people at the same time. Bei Yuyu was sitting in his position, and Beichen’s position was arranged opposite her.

During the meal, Bei Yu sipped a wild fungus soup, which was delicious. I noticed that there was no such soup in Beichen. She pushed the rest of the soup to his front. "I don't want to eat, you are responsible for eating."

Beichen looked at the wild fungus soup in front of him. Although he didn't know what it was, he noticed that she liked to drink this bowl of soup. He wants to refuse, but a pair of eyes on her, silently choose to accept.

[Hey, the villain has a good feeling for the host of sixty-six. 】

Hearing this number, Bei Yuxi understood that the brushing sensitivity of this method has already been brushed to the top, and if he wants his goodness to increase, he must change another way.

This coexistence mode must be used before the window paper is punctured. Otherwise, it will suddenly appear a bit awkward.

After the dinner, Bei Yuying instructed Beichen to accompany him for a walk. The two walked in the courtyard covering the ground and walked aimlessly. Beichen is not a person who is good at talking. When the north rains can't talk, the two are silent.

No one spoke, quietly walking on the long path, surrounded by jungle forests, faint rays of light projecting in, still gray and dark.

After the two walked quietly in a circle, Bei Yuyu went home.

When they were going out of the woods, the conversations of the maids came from outside, and the content of the conversation was really both of them.

“I just heard in the restaurant that Miss San gave her favorite wild fungus soup to the boy.”

“Really? Wild fungi is worth a thousand and very precious. If it’s not for the lady who likes to eat, it’s not possible to have it in the manor all year round. I didn’t expect Miss San to give it to the boy.”

"It is obvious that Miss San is loved by him."

"Isn't it?"

"Before I still thought it was impossible, I thought it was Miss San and the younger brother of Europe who took the boy and came in. It seems that I am wrong. After all, whoever plays will do this."

"I have already said that Miss San likes the boy, you still don't believe it. If it is a play, just show it in front of Europe and less. Who will see it at home? There is still room, that room Have you seen Miss San San who has been so hearted?"

"It makes sense. What you said makes sense."

Seeing that the group of people was coming, the north rain hurriedly pulled Beichen into the small bush next to it.

Beichen looked at her holding her hand and followed her into the bush.

Under the dark trees, Beichen saw a red glow on the face of Beiyuyu.

"Hey. Have you heard anything?" One of the maids asked the companion.

"what sound?"

"It seems that the sound is coming from there." The maid fingered north to the place where they hid.

When the maid came over, Beichen noticed that she was holding her hand slightly tight, and as the maid approached, she held his hand tighter and tighter.

Beichen clearly saw tension and fear from her face.

This is what she has never seen before.

What was her like before?

Beichen’s mind recalled what it was like to think of it. In her mind, only her arrogant person instructed him to do this, but secretly it was secretly good to him.

Ps: I still have it... I’m doing things outside today all day... It’s late, forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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