Chapter 1388 Raiders villain BOSS59

The northern rain is so deep that I look at the people in front of me and look complicated.

Kill him?

Everything between the two was in the north rain, and he thought of everything he had experienced. Her heart could not make the knife stab his heart.

He will destroy the world, it is a kind of despair with jade.

Because the world has never given him hope.

What is wrong with him? !

She perceives her thoughts, and the voice is as dull as ever. [Host, what are you hesitating, screaming and killing him now. 】

"He is not wrong, I have no reason to kill him." Bei Yuyu voice whispered.

[You don't forget, he will destroy the world and will make your mission fail. 】

"He hasn't got it yet, I have no reason to kill him."

[Host, you are gambling on points that you are not easy to earn, bet that he will not destroy the world. Once you can't stop him from destroying the world, he has a super power, and you can't kill him anymore. Only then can the world be destroyed by him. 】

North rain is not a word.

[Think about the points you earned so hard, think about the people in this world, you will die because of this bet. 】

This is a gamble, and gambling has won the world innocent. The gambling lost and lost everything.

After half a ring, the northern rain whispered softly: "In past lives, he has been abandoned by the world once. In this life, I don't want him to be abandoned again."

He heard her words and did not say anything for a long time.

A person who sees points more than anything else is willing to bet on him, and he has any reason to stop her.

She seems to be indifferent, and sometimes she is softer than anyone else.

[This is the decision you made, I respect your choice. 】 No longer dissuasion, [I hope you will not regret it when you arrive. 】

He has seen too much, because the soft-hearted skeptics were eventually injured by the stalker's object. Once this kind of villain big BOSS is blackened, it is difficult to control them.

Bei Yuyu did not answer.

She won't regret it.

She did not say this sentence, but she knew that he understood.

Under the influence of the system, people outside can't see the situation above the trees.

Sitting on the side of the north rain plate, waiting for him quietly, waiting for him to absorb. In just ten minutes, it was like a half-century, the black clouds that have been lingering over the trees disappeared.

The lightning flashing on Beichen gradually disappeared and seemed to be absorbed into the body.

Bei Chen opened his eyes, and the indifferent eyes of the water became sharp, and the sharp eyes looked at her.

He stood up and walked towards her step by step.

The northern rain fell, and he could not see the shadow of Beichen in his body. At this moment, he is completely like a person, the temperament of the whole body has changed from the inside out.

If you don't know that he is him, you might think that he has changed someone.

From his body, Bei Yuyu felt a sense of oppression, even with a trace of danger.

Her brows were slightly wrinkled and her face was as usual.

Beichen approached her a little bit until she reached her.

The secluded black cockroaches were filled with cold light and stared at her. Suddenly, he reached out and slender fingers, gently picking up her jaw and letting her eyes look at her close range.

The two sides reflected each other's shadow. From his eyes, Bei Yuxi saw his tight face.

"Do you sympathize with me, is it good for me?" Beichen's low-pitched voice, faintly sounded.

Ps: third more...

Yesterday's one, I have already written it, and I want to update it. Then think about it, no, if you update the chapter, you will definitely be killed by you. Therefore, the code is two more together.

Hey, when the man appeared, Mom was thinking about it.

I think that now the man should return to the castle and enter the world of the plane. Hahahahaha

(End of this chapter)

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