Chapter 1389 Raiders villain BOSS60

His sharp dawn is straight to the heart, like everything that can see through her.

The north rains are as usual, the light is cold, "Bei Chen, are you taking the wrong medicine?"

If you heard the North Rain in the past, you would have bowed your head and listened to the training.

Now he sees his lips and smacks a touch of curvature, "Answer me."

Bei Yuyu reached out and tried to take his hand, but found that he held his chin and slightly increased his gravity. The momentum seemed to have a feeling that if he didn't answer well, it would crush her jaw.

No, it's not a feeling, but he really does.

"Bei Chen, are you being stupid? How can I sympathize with you, and then say, which eye you see sees me to you." North Rain ignoring the danger of his body, as always Baba said.

Beichen did not speak, and fixed her eyes on her, as if she was telling whether her words were true or false.

"You have to let me go, or I am angry." Bei Yu said with a bad tone.

The more timid this kind of thing, the easier it is to reveal the horse's foot. As long as he is most suitable for the treatment of Beichen before his appearance, if it is a sudden change, it will be very strange.

And Beichen does not need to be the fear of others, but the care of others.

Since the first thing he spoke of was to confirm her true heart or not, it was enough to see what he wanted in his heart.

While Bei Yuyu waited for his reaction, the hand that held her kneeling down was released. The next second, I saw the person standing in front of her, and the body straightened down and fell.

The northern rain stunned and widened his eyes, quickly reaching out and pulling him, but his body fell too fast, and even the person who carried her was dumped.

‘嘭’, the two fell heavily on the ground.

Beichen is down, and the north rains on it, directly pressing his body.

The northern rain slowed down and gently tapped his face with his hand. "Hey, hello, wake up."

Beichen is like a fainting past, no response.

What is the situation?

According to the information she has learned from the system, the former Beichen, after stimulating the abilities, directly killed his parents and continued to go to Tiansheng College, but the situation at the moment was completely out of the situation.

"System, what's going on?"

[When the host enters the plane, everything is changing. The information provided by the system is only an auxiliary function. If the host relies on the data, it is very easy to suffer. 】

This is a natural knowledge of the northern rain, but the big thing in front of the BOSS awakening ability is usually not much different. This is her experience in the scum system.

It seems that there is still a big difference between this rescue system and the scum system.

North Yu Yan is no longer tangled up. What she is going to do now is to bring him back.

It’s okay to go back to the north rain, but it’s too eye-catching.

She took out her cell phone, dialed a phone call, and sent a few people from home to take him back. The two were in the woods and waited in the same place.

Not long after, the woods came from outside.

The northern rain owl heard a mess of footsteps outside, and the brows wrinkled slightly.

When the group of people appeared in her field of vision, she knew that there was nothing wrong with her guess. This group of people is the wave of people led by Huang Xuan, they are going and returning.

After these people ran out, they did not see Huang Xuan and Bei Yuyu coming out, fearing that they had a good deaf, and then they went back.

(End of this chapter)

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