Chapter 1540 Real World 4

The north rain nodded.

For Gu Ruran’s man, Bei Yu’s heart is disgusting, but he is also happy to owe him.

Bei Yuyu wanted to dig him away, but did not diligently please him.

For the professional killer of the night, their defense is very high, deliberately close and pleased, not only will not gain something, but will make his heart vigilant, not worth the candle.

Xiaomoer sat on the side of Beiyuyu, and looked at him with curiosity. "Big brother, is it good for the last time my mother gave you a hemostatic drug?"

In the dark, he listened to his sigh of tone, and his heart was suspicious, but seeing the clear and bright eyes of the little guy, unconsciously unloading the defense, "Well."

After Xiaomoer heard a positive reply, the pink and tender face had a pair of glory expressions. "Mother-in-law's medicine is good, I didn't lie to you."

There was no sound in the dark night.

Xiaomoer noticed that he was pale. "Big brother, are you injured again?"

They will dispense medicine and understand medicine, but he does not trust them, so he did not intend to let Bei Yuyi treat him.

Xiaomoer took a porcelain bottle from the package. "This is a hemostatic drug."

This time, I didn't refuse it in the dark night. I took the hemostatic medicine from the hand of Xiaomoer and opened the bottle to smell it, just like the last time.

The north rain turned and turned and took the little ink to turn around.

The night did not speak, they saw the movements of their mother and son, and his eyes could not help but look at the north rain. I don't know if it was his illusion. He found that the woman became more beautiful than when she saw it last time. The skin became whiter and even the body seemed to change.

The night realized that she seemed to look at her eyes for too long, and immediately turned her head, untied her clothes, and dealt with the wounds on her body. After the powder was sprinkled, it soon became effective.

I have to say that her hemostatic drugs are better than the hemostatic drugs produced in the doctor's valley.

I don't know if the woman's medical skills can match the people of God.

After dealing with the wound in the dark, "Yes."

Bei Yu and Xiao Moer turned back. Bei Yuyu did not mean to talk to him. He picked up a book from the side. "Ink, can you understand?"

Xiaomoer heard the question from her mother, and her attention was immediately transferred from the night to the book.

"Yes. Niang, I don't understand what this sentence means."

After watching the rain, Bei Yu began to explain to him.

"Guide to politics, Qizhi with punishment, people exempt and shameless; guide to morality, Qizhi to courtesy, shameful and consistent. This sentence means that the superiors should use when governing the country. The decree guides the people and uses the criminal law to restrain the people, so that although the people can avoid crimes, they are not ashamed; if morality is used to educate the people and the ritual system is used to unify the people, then the people will be ashamed and correct the mistakes. ""

Her voice is very light, very soft, gentle and soft voice like a spring breeze, like the April wind, blowing people warm. The night that is adjusting interest is unconsciously attracted by her voice, and her eyes are not known when she fell on her.

"Do you think it is right?" Bei Yuyu asked softly.

Xiao Moer slightly indulged, then nodded, but seeing the expression of the mother, as if disagree, could not help but ask: "Mother, but this sentence is wrong?"

When I heard this in the dark, I couldn’t help but look at her curiously, and see what she had to see.

(End of this chapter)

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