Chapter 1541 Real World 5

The northern rain whispered: "All said that the human nature is good, the baby born is like white paper, and the environment of life creates what color is added on the white paper. Some people become wicked, some become good people. If you follow The meaning of the previous sentence, people who have been blacked out on white papers, also want to use morality to limit them, let them wash their minds, maybe some will succeed, but more is stubborn."

"In this sentence, in the eyes of the mother, there is no absolute thing in the world. It is not that the wicked can be rehabilitated, but it cannot be denied that they will not be rehabilitated."

Moh was ignorant, but he quickly understood the meaning of the mother.

The idea of ​​singularity focuses on ‘rede,’ and relies entirely on ‘rede’ to govern the world and restrain the people. This is somewhat biased. As the mother said, there is no absolute thing in the world, not everyone can turn from black to white.

The night did not ring, when he heard Bei Yuxi said that some people could hardly change their self-improvement from evil, his heart was heavy, but what he said later made him immediately relieved.

He is a man who lives in the darkness, and in his world, darkness is darkness.

He knows very well that people like them who want to use ‘ende’ to restrain themselves will only attract everyone’s scorn.

As for the small group of people that Bei Yuxi said, in the dark night, it definitely does not belong to him.

Xiao Moer asked a lot of questions, and Bei Yuxi patiently explained them one by one.

Retract the mind in the dark, meditate on the knees and adjust the inner interest.

Waiting for noon, the carriage stopped. Bei Yu and Xiao Moer got off and left the car in the dark.

"Zhang Shu, this is the meat pie that my mother made. You taste it, it is delicious." Xiao Moer took two meat patties and handed it to Zhang Chefu.

Zhang Chefu took a smile and took a sip in the eyes of Xiao Moer.

After a bite, Zhang Chefu’s eyes lit up. “It’s delicious, delicious. This meatloaf is really amazing. I’ve been eating this delicious meatloaf for the first time.”

The dark night left alone in the carriage naturally heard the sound outside, and the belly was buzzing.

Bei Yuyu took a pot of water and three patties from the bag, walked to the front of the car, opened the curtain and put things on the car.

There was nothing in the north rain, and nothing was said in the dark night, just a look at it.

After the raindrops put things down, they left.

Looking at the food in the dark night, picking up a meatloaf into the mouth, and after biting it, the sly sly flashed a touch of color. The taste of the patties was as good as the coachman said. .

When I picked up the patties, I didn't smell any scent. When you ate the mouth, you smelled the scent of a patties. The meat was tender and the outer skin was strong. It tasted good.

A patties were solved by him three or two times, and soon he picked up the second one. The more you eat, the more you taste.

The three patties were quickly finished, and the night was actually overwhelming.

Unconsciously, the night had more attention to the woman than she should have. A woman who will practice medicine and will cook well, it is very rare, and it is even more rare that she is a student.

After the break, the car continues to move forward.

The next purpose of Beiyuyu is Linzhou Prefecture, which is one of the major capitals of the Great Zhou Dynasty and is a giant city. It takes at least 12 days from Baiyun Town to Linzhou Government.

This time, Beiyuyu is not in a hurry to do the task, but wants to settle them first.

Ps: eighth more...

Thank you for your cute feeding.

[Quiet] [Bone ink purple] [芸时琏] [String broken if pity] [Stars and fallen] [Mu Jiu] [Ke Muling] [Cat greasy] [You called Duan Zuoyen] [Mu sugar]

[Shen Huan is cute. 】【若惜】【叶】[霞尧]【七妹】【Don’t think about fooling sister】【Little white teeth of nightmare family】【Timely】

[When you have long hair and waist labor, you have to cut it] [This uncle] [a little woman who loves to tangled]] [card]

(End of this chapter)

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