Chapter 1548 Real World 12

The timing of the selection of the kid ink is quite right. The killers are not prepared to take in a lot of poison powder. Even if someone responds quickly, they immediately hold their breath, but as long as they inhale a little, the ending is already doomed.

The killer who was the first to be thrown on the ground, foaming at the mouth, twitching all over the body, and soon his eyes glanced, his legs slammed, and his death was upturned.

The role of this poison powder is not to make people suffering from poisoning. It pays attention to the rapid attack, volatile, and fast absorption.

The inhaled killers fell to the ground one after another, and they kept the sobring killers. They also wanted to control the northern rain or the small ink, forcing them to take out the poison. Unfortunately, they had a chance to attack the toxins.

The killers in the area around Beiyu and Xiaozi ink, all the killers foamed.

In the dark night, they saw that they had solved the trouble, and they did not have to rush to help, and began to kill one by one.

The killer commander saw the situation is not good, very resolutely ordered to retreat, and soon a group of people quickly fled. There was no chasing in the dark, and there was no interest in Chayu in the north.

After the killer left, Xiaozi ink went to the carriage to find a hemostatic drug, "Mother, stop bleeding."

The north rain licked the wound in the abdomen and headed for Zhang Fufu.

Xiaozi ink said to Bei Yuxi: "I can save him."

The northern rain squatted down and checked the injury of Zhang Chefu, knowing that he had no chance of surviving. That sword directly pierced the spleen and stomach and hurt the root.

Xiaozi ink voiced and said: "Mother, you go to stop bleeding. I can save Zhang Shu, he will not die."

Bei Yuyu heard the self-blame and embarrassment in his tone.

What she wanted to say, but when she was obsessed with the eyes of the kid, she gave up and let him apply a bottle of medicine to him.

Zhang Chefu himself feels the passing of life. He looks at the little face of Xiaomoer. The tears in his eyes are spinning, but he is desperately trying to prevent it from falling. He saves this child. He does not regret it.

Zhang Chefu extended his hand to touch the face of Xiaozi's ink, and a smile appeared on his lips. "Child, useless. Don't bother me."

"I can. Zhang Shu, you will not die." Xiaozi ink shook his little hand holding the porcelain bottle, his teeth biting his lip, seemingly enduring something.

The northern rain rushed forward and held the hand of the kid ink, "Ink."

She just screamed, and it was like a magical barrier that pierced his heart. He couldn’t control it anymore, "Mother."

The north rain squats tightly holding him, and the little boy who has been calmly confronted with the killer has not seen it. Now there are only young children.

Zhang Chefu wants to comfort him, but his energy can't be done.

Bei Yuxi saw that he had something to say, "Zhang Shu, what do you want to say?"

Xiaozi ink heard the sound, stopped crying, and looked at him with tears.

Zhang Chefu was very gasping and said with difficulty: "I have one, one daughter is in Linzhou, she is called Daxie, and she is sold to a foreigner. I am bothered to help you and help me redeem."

Zhang Chefu said, take a pack of silver from his body.

Bei Yuyu took his extended hand and solemnly said: "Zhang Shu, you can rest assured, I will find her, redeem her, and take care of her."

Zhang Chefu heard the promise of the North Rain, and closed his eyes with peace of mind.

"Zhang Shu." The tears in the eyes of the little boy slammed down.

Standing in the dark night, watching calmly.

Ps: seventh, seventh, and more...

Thank you for feeding the little cute ones.

[doesn\'tkn] [Idle fish is very salty] [The other side is the 殇] [Floating the beginning of the life] [芸时琏] [一一七七] [After your long hair and waist labor cut a knife]

[Meng Yujia's little white teeth] [Mu Ye Xiao] [Bone ink purple] [Ke Muling] [Do you call Duan Zuoyue] [Red Dust fans you] [White clothes light] [Mu Jiu]

[Floating Weiyang] [Don't think about fooling sister] [Gray Angel] [Land of Flowers and Dreams] [Old Lady's charm still exists]

A lot of little cute said that the golden circle is a bit far and it will take a long time to reach.

If this is not the case, if the monthly ticket in May is ranked in the top three of the list of classified monthly tickets, the ink will burst even more, and it will explode at the end of the month. How?

At the beginning of the month, the monthly ticket is doubled, so the little cute ones voted over, the more the better.

As long as the top three of the classified monthly ticket is reached, the ink will burst. These months have been the top ten of the classified monthly passes. Efforts, into the top three, the ink will burst. (Not the top three in the total list, the top three in the total list, that is the goal that cannot be achieved)

(End of this chapter)

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