Chapter 1549 Real World 13

For such a life and death, he has long been numb, and there is not much touch.

The night noticed the blood on her knees, and the dumb voice whispered: "The wound on your body has to be dealt with."

The attention of Xiaozi Mo immediately pulled back from Zhang Chefu's body. When he saw the pale face of his mother, the clothes on his body had been dyed red, and even the ground was blood.

"Nanny." Xiaozi ink looked at her nervously.

He didn't want to lose his mother, afraid to lose her.

Bei Yuyu felt his uneasiness, took his hand, and comforted softly: "Mother is okay."

Bei Yuyu began to deal with the wound, but fortunately, in order to go out, the car took a lot of medicine, and the wound was quickly processed.

"This place should not be left for a long time, we have to leave as soon as possible." The dark night said coldly.

The kid, Merma, said: "We have to bury Zhang Shushu."

In the dark night, I looked at the coachman lying on the icy ground. His look was indifferent. He didn't seem to understand why he was going to bury a dead person, which was a waste of time.

Now that they are being stared, it is very likely that they will kill at any time. The sooner they should leave, the better, not for a dead body, wasting precious time.

Bei Yuyi saw the thoughts in the dark night at a glance. The voice said coldly: "He died to save us. It is our savior. If we dump the body in the wilderness, we are cold-blooded and ruthless." What is the difference between killers.

Even today, even if he died not because of us, he was with us, that is our companion, our friend. You may be able to watch the corpse wilderness, we can't do it. We can't give him a good burial, but it must be made safe for him. ”

The night was told by her, and her look was normal, but the dark voices flashed a glimmer of light.

In his world, he has never been buried, and only survives and kills opponents.

From his income to the killer training camp, everyone around him is an opponent. Only by killing everyone around him can he survive.

He has never had a companion, and he does not need a companion.

Bei Yu and Xiaozi ink did not pay attention to the dark night. They walked into the woods and searched for a place to start digging. Just then, the dark night came over and silently dug a pit.

The three were silent and quietly doing the same thing.

There was a silver dragon in the dark clouds of the sky, accompanied by the thunder of the bursts. Soon the wind began to wind up, rolling up the yellow sand of the sky, and the dust was flying.


One drop, two drops, the raindrops fell, and soon the rain became bigger and bigger, and it quickly became a heavy rain. The sight of the three eyes became blurred, but the movements in the hands did not stop.

After the pit was dug, the body of Zhang Chefu was placed in the dark night.

The rain was getting bigger and bigger, and the three men were soaked, but no one left. After a quarter of an hour, the sign stood on the grave, and the northern rain smashed the name of the coachman on the wooden sign with a short sword.

Xiaozi Mo and Bei Yuxi both bowed to the grave, and stood quietly watching the night.

The three returned to the car, and the northern rain smashed out the clean clothes from the parcel, letting the kid ink change again, and changed his clothes. The car was driving in the rain in the dark night.

"Look for a place to shelter from the rain." The corner of the north rain, said to the dark night.

(End of this chapter)

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