Chapter 1561 Real World 25

"A month and two silver."

Bei Yuyi did not feel surprised when he heard it.

The two silvers are doubled in Baiyun Town. The consumption level of this state is much higher than that of Baiyun Town.

"Go to another room."

"Okay. Another is near here, and it will be through two lanes."

Zhao Erhu walked in front of the road, and the north rain squatted behind him. The two men did pass through the two alleys. After passing through, they found that the location belonged to the most remote place in the entire boundary.

"Don't look at this place, but the room is really good."

Zhao Erhu opened the courtyard door, and the courtyard was overgrown. Although the house was not broken, it was not good. This room is a heaven and a ground compared to the previous room.

The difference between the two is too great, causing people to be inclined to the courtyard between them.

“How many months does this courtyard rent?” asked Bei Yuyu, calmly.

"Four two silver." Zhao Erhu said.

"Just this time." North Rain 棠 decided to make a decision.

Xu is determined by the North Rain, too fast, or her decision is too unexpected, resulting in Zhao Erhu has not recovered.

"Do you really want this yard?" Zhao Erhu could not help but ask.

Although the yard looks twice as big as the previous yard, the house is much older than the previous one, and even the boundaries are the most remote. This room has been vacant for a long time and no one is renting.

"Yes, that's it."

Zhao Erhu can be regarded as slowing down. He heard her answer so incomparably affirmatively. She only thought that she was too unbelievable and would actually choose this courtyard.

Zhao Erhu’s work is very efficient, and the two parties signed an agreement with the owner.

Bei Yuyu paid two months' rent, and this courtyard became their temporary home in Linzhou.

The next day, the three people of Beiyuyu retired the room of the inn and entered the room. When Xiaozi Mo and Muxiang saw the mess in the yard, they were worried about whether they could finish cleaning today.

"Ink, you and Muxiang go to buy daily necessities and food." Bei Yuyu said.

"Mother, what about this courtyard?"

"Give it to me."

Musk said: "Mu sister, how can you get it alone, we still clean together, so faster."

The north rain swayed, "No, I have a solution. Your task today is to buy items."

Muxiang and Xiaozi Mo were launched by the Northern Rain, and after they left, a group of middle-aged women came outside the courtyard. These people are temporary workers recruited by Beiyu from the west side of the city.

"I will trouble you today."

"The big sister, polite." One of the middle-aged women smiled.

Ten women, under the distribution of the northern rain, four people deal with the yard, six people clean the house. These women are all people who are used to their work, and they are doing their work, their hands and feet.

By the end of the afternoon, the entire courtyard was completely new.

When Muxiang and Xiaozi Mola came back with a car, they almost didn't recognize it.

Muxiang looked at the courtyard in front of her eyes. "Mr. Wood, how did you do it alone?"

The kid ink is also a glimpse, but I soon thought of it.

Bei Yuxi said with a joke: "I did this after I cast the spell."

The eyes of the musk became shiny, "Really?"

The north rain glared at her dumbfounded eyes and smiled lightly: "The fool is of course to lie to you. I invited ten women to come and clean together."

Musk suddenly realized.

At the same time, between the mountains thousands of miles away, a special identity person entered the center of the castle.

Ps: eighth, eighth, and more...

Thank you for your lovely feeding.

[If you regret] [Cow] [smiley face] [wait for your long hair and waist labor to cut a knife] [Meng Po Duan Tang] [Mu Jiu] [Stars and Fall] [泠] [芸时琏]

[许你锦绣江山] [影莺] [Han Zhili] [Bin 煜萱航] [6 Jun] [KISSme] [Little lazy] [Seven sisters] [March] [Don't think about fooling sister]

[Baby] [Mu Ye Xiao] [I have meat, just you are very thin] [Mo is away, Mo abandon] [咕谷铭诺] [CT] [一一七殊] [Gray Angel] [symbol]

[Sea mud] [Biscuit is a big baby] [Han film] [CL] [凉笙微凉] [倾安一城] [本y苍岚] [夏微凉] [本渣] [白韶颜]

[Lris] [The point of breaking in the male main bed] [Bone ink purple] [Apricot Qi beginning] [Timely] [symbol] [-] [Zizizi, mother core] [pig foot, mountain mutter]

Thank you for the above cute and lovely feeding, what?

Well, it’s coming to the end of the month. There are moon tickets and recommended tickets. I remember to vote for me and love you.

good night.

Oh, right. Ink is ready to let the wind and the wind get rid of the mark again. Hahaha... Guess what they will meet in this way, and they will win the prize.

#4·23 The author has something to say #+ You want the male and female protagonists to meet.

(End of this chapter)

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