Chapter 1562 Real World 26

The incoming person sent a secret report to the manager in charge of the information. The manager saw the grade symbol marked on the secret report and did not dare to stop. He entered the inner court without stopping.

"I want to see the Lord." The man said to the two guards.

It didn't take long for his words to fall. A guard came out of the courtyard and waved at the guards at the door. "Qin Guanwu, the Lord has a request."

When Qin Guanwu entered the house, he saw the wind leaving the mark and stood in front of a painting. After hearing his entry, he slowly turned around.

Qin Guanwu handed a gift, "Less master, there is a secret report."

He presented the secret report.

The wind detachment seems to be a leisurely movement, but it is to open the secret newspaper in the blink of an eye and review the above content. After reading it, the specially treated rice paper burned into ashes from his hands.

"The king of the demon has appeared." The wind whispered away.

Qin Guanwu and the shadow of standing behind the wind, the look is a change.

The wind is still calm and said: "You can leave and go to Linzhou."

The shadow whispered: "This is the way to mobilize people."

After the filming of the film, Qin Guan asked: "Less master, is this going to go together?"


Over the years, their four families have been searching for it for too long, and it has long been doubtful whether it is dead. Now that it has appeared, it is finally able to unload the burden that has been on the four big families for thousands of years.

Qin Guanwu's brows were slightly wrinkled. Apparently he disapproved of the decision he made. After hesitating for a while, he began to say: "The Lord, with your current physical condition, is not easy to go out."

Although he did not say, but several members of the core know that the illness of the younger master has deteriorated in the past six months. If you encounter a disease on the way, you may have a life worry.

"No problem."


The wind was lifted and the hand was lifted, and he continued to say that he had a hunch that his condition would soon improve.

When Qin Guan saw that his mind had been decided, he would no longer persuade.

On that day, countless figures flew out of the castle and headed in the same direction.


Linzhou Prefecture

A group of three people from Beiyuyu set up the room and waited until they were all right. The sun had already set. The monks were hungry and squatted back, and the north rains took a big one and a small two to go to a shop on the street to have dinner.

The monks who are back at home are too tired to fall asleep early.

Late at night, there was a roar of roaring sounds in the forest outside the city. The perceptions of Bei Yu and Xiaozi Mo were stronger than the average warrior, and the two were instantly awakened.

The two walked out of the room at the same time and walked outside the courtyard.

The northern rain rushed to the eaves with a small ink, looking at the direction of the east, where there was a faint glow. Most people in the city are in their sleep, and no one is aware of the changes in the suburbs.

"Mother, what seems to be happening there?" Xiaozi ink only felt a slight jump, a little uneasy.

"Yeah." North Rain nodded.

Taking advantage of that volatility, the two sides of the hands are extraordinary, and it is definitely not the level at which they can participate.


The northern rain rushed down the roof with a small ink, and the two returned to their rooms.

The next day, when Muxiang woke up, she found that a large and a small group had already practiced martial arts in the courtyard, and they looked at the same movements of the two of them. When I returned to God, I patted my head, turned to the kitchen, and began to make breakfast for the two masters.

These ingredients were bought back yesterday and all are fresh.

(End of this chapter)

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