Chapter 1570 Shredded Stallion Male 7

Chen Feiqi said with a smile: "Recently opened a company with a friend, it is also a jade business."

A company that engages in jade and wants to come to a small company that does not enter the stream.

I don’t think so, even the people around me.

"I don't know what your company's name is?" Fang thought that he was going to step on him to the end, naturally he had to get to the bottom.

“Yuyu Jewelry.” Chen Fei’s faint words spit out four words.

He is a kind of self-confidence, self-confidence, these four words must be surprising.

Sure enough, his expectations are correct.

"Huanyu Jewelry Company, do we have this jewelry company in Kunming? I haven't heard of it." Fang wanted to make a look of ignorance and ask a friend who was around him.

Fang Xiang’s friend should immediately follow. “It’s estimated that it’s a small company that doesn’t flow in. It’s normal if you’ve never heard it. Now the company with a big fart is also a company.”

"The people have said that it is a small business before, and it is normal for you to have never heard of it."

The sounds of the fall around are one after another, and these sounds are all sent out from the friends who think.

Among these sounds, a discordant sound suddenly appeared.

“The name is familiar.” A middle-aged jade businessman said.

"I also want to hear where I have heard."

The sounds of this kind gradually increased, and soon people heard some people exclaimed.

"I remembered. It turned out that he was Chen Feizhen." The middle-aged jade businessman looked at Chen Feiqi's eyes and became a bit hot.

"Old Zhao, and we talked about, what is this little brother coming to the head?" Someone immediately asked.

The boss of Zhao’s name smiled and walked forward. “I didn’t expect Chen Xiaoge, who cut out the top emerald in Panshan a few months ago, will come here today.”

When it comes to Panshan cutting out the top emeralds, everyone immediately thought of the powerful young man.

They all looked at Chen Feiqi with curiosity and inquiry.

Before everyone saw his gaze was that kind of disregard, just like looking at an insignificant little person, and now seeing his eyes have changed.

Chen Feiqi said modestly: "It’s just a fluke."

Boss Zhao complimented: "One coincidence, the second time is the same, then it is no coincidence. Chen Xiaoge has made a lot of achievements in this respect. It is rare. If there is a chance, Chen Xiaoge will come to me to do it."

For a time, the story about Chen Feiqi was thrown out a little bit.

Before they didn't know Chen Feiqi, now that he knows who he is, one by one is very surprised at the speed at which he picked up, especially when they learned that Chen Feiqi and Qian Yu opened a company.

Who is Qian Yu, who is not known?

For the irony of Chen Feiqi, the pursuit of the crowd, this huge contrast is like a slap in the face of Fang Fang, so that he is angry.

Lin Biaoer swept through the crowd, his straight eyes fell on the body of Bei Yuying, and smiled at her slightly. The seemingly sweet and pleasant smile was accompanied by a silent provocation.

The northern rain smiled and was not irritated by her provocative laugh.

Lin Biaoer saw her indifferent, and her eyes flashed a bit of surprise.

"North Rain, are you coming to buy jade today? My boyfriend has good luck in this area. You don't need him to help you choose a few pieces of jade to ensure that you are worthwhile." Lin Xiaoer said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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