Chapter 1571 shredded stallion male 8

This woman is really unwilling to irritate her and wants her to make irrational moves.

The behavior that the former party wants to do is what the original master did.

Now that Bei Yu has not taken the initiative to trouble them, Lin Biaoer first sticks up. However, it is normal to think about it. This time, Lin Biaoer turned her corner to let her come here, but it didn't have any purpose.

She did not evade, but like the former master, "Yes. He is lucky, but Miss is no worse than him. I want something that never borrows the hand of others. I don't need to live with men everywhere. The dodder."

Lin Biao's face was stiff, and the injured eye flashed a haze of color.

Chen Feiqi saw that her girlfriend was so bullied, her brows were slightly wrinkled, and her cold eyes looked at the woman in front of her eyes. She looked ordinary, far less beautiful than Lin Biaoer, the only desirable place, I am afraid only her body.

He had heard before that there was a savage young lady who often confronted her, and now it seems to be this woman. He can understand why she wants to target her nephew everywhere. I am afraid that her jealousy is more beautiful than her.

Chen Feiqi wants to give a sigh of relief to her, and a small lesson teaches her.

"Is this lady very confident? If not, how come we are going to try? If you are worried, you are not as lucky as me, then when I did not say." Chen Feiyan said with a smile, but the smile was A hint of coldness.

The people around are smart people, knowing that Chen Feiqi is preparing for Lin Biaoer’s early years.

With a few jade merchants who are better than the North, the brows are slightly wrinkled, and Chen Fei’s move is somewhat deceiving.

He is good at jade, and Beiyu is a layman. Now he is making a test, and he is completely bullying.

Lin Yier heard Chen Feizhen’s proposal and his eyes passed a touch of joy.

According to the character of Bei Yu Yan, she will definitely respond.

She doesn't have to worry at all, and the Northern Rain will refuse.

"Good." Bei Yuyu should not hesitate to go down.

After Lin Biaoer heard it, her heart was dark.

The people who have made good friends with the North have frowned.

An uncle who greeted Bei Yu said earlier: "The rain is a woman, there are so many doorways in the jade, just play."

He is a good reminder to her, don't act recklessly.

Another person stood up and smiled and said: "Mr. Chen has done a good job in jade, but the rainy woman is a layman. This is a test, I think it is."

There are people who want to see the rain in the north, and then jump out.

"It's just a little game to play, don't be true. Even if the North Rain niece loses, no one will laugh at her."

"Right, just play."

"Why don't you ask, what is Miss North's intention?"

Lin Yuer was deeply afraid of the temporary remorse of Bei Yu, and couldn’t wait to say: "Rain, this comparison is still forgetting, so I didn’t say anything when I was flying."

Bei Yuyu said to a few uncles who thought about her: "The uncles of the uncles are so good, the rain is stunned. Recently, my luck is good, maybe it is possible to win the new rookie in the jade world." ”

When everyone saw that her mind had been decided, she would not say much.

Lin Yier couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She was really afraid that she would temporarily repent.

Chen Feiqi smiled and said to Bei Yuxi: "Each of us chooses three pieces of jade. After cutting, we will decide the outcome with three pieces of jade. How?"

(End of this chapter)

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