Chapter 1580 Chapter Tear Stud Male 17

"Hey, there is a good piece of material inside." Someone made a sound.

Everyone saw it, it was indeed a jade meat with a lot of water.

After the jade master saw it, he did not need the command of the north rain to know how to cut it. Cut it along that side and finally cut out a piece of jade jade with a full head. The gloss, texture and head are good. It is the top grade.

"Yes, this jade is not bad."

"There is no loss."

Everyone had to sigh the good luck of the North Rain, knowing this piece of wool, but she came with a little, and I did not expect to cut the good quality of the jade.

According to the size of the piece of jade meat, after it is made into a finished product, it is also bullish.

The result of picking up is still good, but compared with that emerald, it is simply a small witch, completely incomparable.

"Rain, your luck is really good." Lin Biaoer came forward to congratulate.

Her congratulations, where is the real congratulation, is completely deliberately want to gas her. What she wants to see is that the northern rain is irritated and angry. Unfortunately, she was finally disappointed.

North Yu Yan did not look at her and directly ignored her existence.

She picked up an abandoned piece of jade on the ground. "The troublemaker cut the piece from the middle."

Everyone was suspicious, and the jade master did not say much, cut it from the middle and cut it down.

"this is……"

Suddenly someone made a suspicious voice on the field.

Then, a woman exclaimed, "Good jade."

When Zhou Lao was seeing the jade, the scorpion smashed the light and directly blurted out, "blood jade."

After the people around hear it, the first reaction is that it is impossible.

"No way."

When everyone got together, Chen Feiyi was a little surprised because he didn't see it at all. He just rudely swept the center, but ignored the edge, and did not expect to have a blood jade.

Blood jade is an extremely rare jade.

Legend has it that when a person was buried, the jade as a jade was forcibly inserted into the population. If the person was just dead, the jade that was swallowed in one breath was stuffed into the throat and entered the blood vessels. In the middle, for a long time, the blood of the dead, the blood straight to the jade heart, will form a gorgeous blood jade.

This kind of thing often falls in the ingestion of the cockroach and is the most precious of all the corpses.

Of course, this is just a legend in ancient times. The real formation of blood jade is the intrusion of iron in the soil, which is formed by the accumulation of tens of thousands of precipitates.

In the jade world, blood jade is an extremely rare jade species.

Lin Biao almost couldn't believe it, but he actually opened a blood jade.

Zhou Lao had passed the test and said: "Yes, good, it is a kind of high quality blood jade, but it is a pity."

This blood jade is not big enough to make a bracelet. It can only be made into a pendant.

Although blood jade is rare and expensive, it is still worse than the emeralds that Chen Feiqi has opened, unless the blood jade has a fist size.

Chen Feizhen looked at a small piece of blood jade, and my heart was also amazed.

Someone whispered: "Oh, unfortunately, if it is not a test, the north rain 稳 this time earned a steady profit. Although the blood jade is rare, but it is too small, can not match the emerald. This good blood jade, both I want to be the other person."

When Lin Yuer thought of the northern rain, even if he expelled the blood jade, it was still empty in the end, and the whole person was in a good mood.

Ps: Seventh... There are updates, you can see it tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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