Chapter 1581 Shredded Stallion Male 18

Chen Feiqi once again wanted to spy on the last piece of wool from the northern rain, and was still blocked by the north rain.

After being repeatedly blocked, Chen Feiqi no longer spies, and in his subconscious, her luck is no better than the emperor green.

It’s a pity that everyone around me feels that North Rain is a bit weak today.

Lin Yier looked at the rain in the north, and saw that she was not angry, and her heart was slightly surprised.

The north rains open the way: "Open a third jade."

Chen Feizhen only thinks that she is not seeing the coffin without tears.

"Cut it." Chen Feiyu also opened.

The worker quickly cut out the last piece of jade from Chen Feiqi. This piece of jade also had jade meat, but the quality was medium, and it still rose. For this result, everyone feels that Chen Feiqi has the ability.

In such a short period of time, the selected jade is good.

"Chen Xiao Ge, that's really good."

"Chen Chen, this identification is really admirable."

"With Mr. Chen in the company, there is no shortage of fine jade in the future."

Surrounded by a group of congratulations, Chen Feiyi has already been regarded as the winner.

Chen Feizhen pretended to be modest. "You, let's take a look at Miss North."

When everyone heard his words, they refocused their attention on the rain. At this point, the workers have listened to the instructions of the North Rain, and moved the last piece of wool.

This piece of wool is very small, only the size of the fist basketball, even if you cut out the fine jade, it is still the north rain, unless you cut the best jade.

Chen Feiqi did not use the sky to visit the piece of wool, waiting quietly like everyone else.

The master of jade quickly removed the green skin, and the exposed jade meat was of poor quality and the water was insufficient. When everyone looked at it, they were not surprised at all. The master of jade began to cut the second knife. The knife fell quickly and revealed a deeper jade meat. The quality was exactly the same as the outermost layer.

Lin Biaoer sees this, the face can't hide the joy.

She couldn't help but look at the north rain, and she saw the look as usual, and there was no trace of worry.

This made Lin Biaoer's brow not only slightly wrinkled.

When the north rain 定 is determined to become so good, it really is not like her.

Suddenly, the jade master's pupils shrank and the movements in his hands became extra careful.

"This is..." Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

When the third knife was completely completed, everyone saw a verdant green, green and oily, as if there were oil drops.

"God! This is the emperor green."

The original stone of the emperor green level, the species, the water and the color must each reach the extreme, so that it can be called the emperor green! The real emerald green stone is really scarce!

Emperor Green is a unique color. Emperor Green appears a dignified lake green in the sun. It looks like a lake blue, showing emerald green under strong light, and it is green and green under the digital flash.

The people looked at the jade incredulously.

Zhou Lao is stepping forward, cautiously touching, as if touching the rare treasures.

Chen Fei, who is standing in the crowd, is dumbfounded, and he did not expect that this would be the case. He thought he was winning, and he knew that he had cut out the emperor green, but he could not meet it.

Looking at the entire jade market, the emperor green is priceless and there is no market, and many people specialize in collecting insurance prices.

Everyone in the entire jade factory came forward and looked at this rare emperor green one by one.

A quick-responding jade merchant immediately rushed to the front of the north rain, and said flatteringly: "Miss North, you can give me 10 million in this emperor green."

(End of this chapter)

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