Chapter 1589 Shredded Stallion Male 26

Of course, the northern rains know that these jade pieces are coming out of the old pit, but she is still pretentious and used various tools to check.

"It’s going to be this one." North Rain said refreshingly.

“Do you need to cut it or take it away?” the man asked.

There are special cutting places in the market, so it is convenient for jade merchants to take away, also to increase the fun of gambling stones.

The gambling stone industry has spread such a sentence, ‘a knife is poor, a knife is rich, and a knife is on the burlap’, which shows the danger behind the gambling stone. Sometimes it will make you a millionaire, and sometimes you will go down and let you lose your money.

This is the gambling stone, playing is heartbeat and stimulation.

Of course, this kind of gambling stone is all gambling, and many of them are half-gambling, and gambling, meaning that the jade raw materials purchased are different, and some are cut a small hole in the wool material to let you see the inside.

Some are cut in one piece, and at a glance you can see the jade inside.

Even so, there is still the possibility of losing money.

North Yuyu did not choose to cut it out here, mainly for security reasons. Because she knows that these pieces of wool must be fine. In this place where dragons and snakes are mixed, it is easy to be stared.

Many jade merchants who died in Thailand and Burma in the past few years, most of them were cut out of the high-priced jade, and were robbed. In recent years, few jade merchants dared to cut wool in this land.

Of course, the jadeites who are rich in money are not worried about this.

Therefore, it is often heard that the fine jade on the Taimung Panshan Highway is cut.

After the northern rain rushed around, he purchased another piece of jade, and another piece of jade wool was sold for 200,000 yuan. The two pieces of jade were sent back to the north on the same day.

When the next day, Beiyuyu arrived at the market, just to see a man and a woman walking down the next car, the man looks handsome, the woman is hot and enchanting, at first glance is a **** stunner.

At the first glance, Chen Feiyan noticed a few steps away from the north rain. When he saw the northern rain, his eyes changed slightly.

Blue smoke noticed that Chen Feiyan stared at a woman. The woman’s appearance was not so good. The only thing that made people look like it was her temperament. The temperament on her body gave people a feeling of incomprehension.

As long as you are in the crowd, even if you look ordinary, you can notice her presence at a glance.

Blue smoke saw that he had been staring at the woman, and some of it tasted. The body leaned against him. The jade hand touched his chest and leaned over his ear. The younger brother, this is another look. The little sister."

Blue smoke boldly bite his earlobe, Chen Feiyi only feels a whole burst of numbness, as if the current through his body.

Chen Feiqi was greeted by her enthusiasm, her eyes recovered, and she looked down at the beauty like a fairy, his hand caught her small waist, slowly touched down, and finally in the hips The pinch is pinched.

He leaned over her ear, ‘evil’ said: “Look back at how I can clean you up.”

The blue smoke smashed the eyes of Danfeng, the eyes waved, and the state of the hair was silky. "Okay, I am waiting for you to clean up."

Chen Feizhen was ravaged by the evil spirits in the body of this female demon. If there is something important today, she must have a good ‘learning and teaching her.’


Blue smoke noticed that there was no such thing as the north rain, and some were surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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