Chapter 1590 shredded stallion male 27

She was deliberately doing this, in order to scare away the little sister, but unfortunately, they did not appreciate it, and they never looked at it.

After entering the venue, Bei Yuyu took the time to start looking for the original stone in a haystack.

Yesterday, she was able to find a good swimmer. Today is not enough. If Chen Feiqi is looking for it first, it is not good.

The northern rain 棠 took a turn and finally found a piece of wool in a corner. The jade's wool was the fine emerald. She just found, the corner of her eye saw Chen Feiqi and his woman coming towards this side.

Bei Yuyu said nothing, directly to the people who guarded the original stone: "I want this piece of wool."

The man saw her so simply, seemed to want it, and gestured to him, "fifty thousand."

In the original plot, the stone of this wool was only sold for 50,000. Because there is a crack on the stone, the quality is not good, so it is sold at a low price. Now that the person directly reported 500,000, it was clear that it was the mind that Bei Yuyi wanted to buy, and deliberately raised the price.

Bei Yuxi knew this in his heart and did not entangle with him.

"Good." Bei Yuyu took out the bank card.

When she took out the bank card, Chen Feiqi had already arrived here.

Chen Feiyi saw the northern rain squat at a glance, and the second eye only noticed the jade on the side of the north rain. It was obvious that the jade was purchased by her.

Chen Fei’s heart has a feeling in his heart, and he is eager to let him see it with his eyes.

Chen Fei's heart moved, and he looked at it with the eyes of the sky. From this point of view, the pupil was slightly shrunk.

"The jade I want." Chen Fei's voice was slightly eager.

The action in the hands of the staff who was preparing to brush up was a bit strange to look at him. To be honest, the jade is not good, even there are cracks outside, and there are more wools around it, but with such a piece of wool, there are actually two people competing at the same time, which makes him have doubts in his heart.

Is there a good jade in the wool?

Bei Yuyu said to the staff member: "Hurry up."

"Slow. I want this jade." Chen Feiyu forced to insert.

"Chen Fei, this jade is mine."

"Miss North, you can say this wrong. If you haven't paid yet, these pieces of jade will not belong to you." Chen Feiyan said with a smile.

Blue smoke stunned the momentum, and I understood that they had a festival.

Before I was worried that Chen Feiqi had hooked up a little goblin to come in, it seems that I can rest assured now.

The staff member saw the tit-for-tat look of the two people and suddenly understood what was going on. I was still suspicious, whether this piece of wool is extraordinary, it seems that the other party is deliberately looking for something.

Things like this are very common here, and often encounter two dead rivals. In order to compete for the price in one breath, the price of the original stone continues to soar. For such a situation, as the boss on the Panshan Highway, it is naturally very enjoyable.

The staff was very skinny, and the action of swiping the card stopped and looked at Chen Feiqi. "This jade is 500,000. How much do you bid?"

When North Rain heard this, I knew that things were broken.

Although Chen Feiqi knew that the jade was good, he did not want to spend more money, "five thousand."

As soon as he reported the price, the North Rain immediately followed, "700,000."

This jade must not fall into his hands.

"800,000." Chen Feiyu calmly continued to offer.

Ps: Ink found that you don’t have a cold for jade and male...

In this case, I will finish this plane quickly.

The man has been sent to the position, and after the end of the plane, the man and the woman still have an intersection...

(End of this chapter)

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