Chapter 1603 Hand-Tear Stallion Male 40

It’s really more people than people.

Next to a woman who was very lonely, she married a boyfriend on the side. When the boyfriend was playing with pesticides, he was so stunned that the phone in his hand almost fell to the ground.

The boyfriend was preparing to get angry, but when he looked up, he saw his girlfriend's sullen face, and looked at him with his eyes smoldering, scaring his anger.

The boyfriend asked cautiously: "Baby, what happened?"

Loli woman squatting on this idiot, swearing at her boyfriend, fearing that her girlfriend is hungry, buying a lo mei, buying a snack, and feeding it diligently, even more depressing is that the other person is still so handsome.

Look at my boyfriend, I thought it was still a bit of a pose, but compared with the one next to it, tmd gives people the same shoes.

What is even more abhorrent is that this **** idiot, not only looks less than others, money is not comparable to others, even this thoughtful is even more than half of the other people's money.

"You can go to die." Lori woman angered.

The boyfriend looked at the girlfriend who suddenly became nervous.

My boyfriend suddenly heard something happening next door next door, and heard that his girlfriend taught his boyfriend to learn someone. He looked in the direction of the man's finger, and he saw the bright couple in the corner who were forgotten to feed each other. Just so, they didn't have to be close, they could feel the sweet smell from them.

Finally, I saw that all of my boyfriends were kicked out by my girlfriend to buy things.

Before the boys left, they were very resentful and stared at the culprit in the corner.

The chief culprit, the dust of the dust, is a happy smile, and he can't hide his smile in his eyebrows.

When they were their turn, both of them had already eaten half full. In order to wait for themselves for dozens of minutes, the two entered the store with the waiter.

"Let's order it." North Rain will pick up the menu.

The things that Shichen points are all she likes to eat.

"You still remember so clearly." Bei Yu said with a smile.

Si Chen did not speak, but looked at her and told her the answer with her eyes.

At the same time, Bai Jun’s group of people rushed to the Qingqing Charcoal Grill and watched the hot scene in the store. Several of them were ready to enter, but they were stopped by the waiter.

"If you want to dine, you need to line up. Please use which number plate." The waiter looked at the clothes of several men and looked at the rich.

When they appeared, the people in the waiting area had their mothers.

“How long does it take?” one of the crickets asked.

"One hour." The waiter replied truthfully.

"Rely! One hour of daylily is cold."

Bai Junyou took out his mobile phone. "It’s just a phone call. Who is the owner of this store?"

A group of people around have shook their heads. The boss of this cheap shop knows who it is. If it is said that the bosses of famous high-end places in the city can report them one by one.

Someone made an idea: "Let the bureau give the owner of the store a call."

After a group of people tossed, they finally entered the store in advance. Several people sneaked into the place not far from the dust, and observed it in secret.

When they saw that the Great Devil was actually diligently feeding people to eat, a group of people were shocked and their eyes were about to fall.

"Mom, is that really a big demon?"

"Is he supposed to be possessed?"

(End of this chapter)

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